首页 » Matlab » GPS系统和INS系统速度、位置模式松组合


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0 个回复

  • Henderson_mixed
    利用Mixed方法进行变量方差的分离分析,采用Henderson s Mixed Model Equations Algorithm算法(Mixed methods using variable separation and analysis of variance, using Henderson s Mixed Model Equations Algorithm Algorithm)
    2011-08-10 18:54:30下载
    we present an improved fuzzy C-means (FCM) algorithm for image segmentation by introducing a tradeoff weighted fuzzy factor and a kernel metric. The tradeoff weighted fuzzy factor depends on the space distance of all neighboring pixels and their gray-level difference simultaneously. By using this factor, the new algorithm can accurately estimate the damping extent of neighboring pixels. In order to further enhance its robustness to noise and outliers, we introduce a kernel distance measure to its objective function. The new algorithm adaptively determines the kernel parameter by using a fast bandwidth selection rule based on the distance variance of all data points in the collection. Furthermore, the tradeoff weighted fuzzy factor and the kernel distance measure are both parameter free. Experimental results on synthetic and real images show that the new algorithm is effective and efficient, and is relatively independent of this type of noise.
    2021-04-15 22:28:54下载
  • Matlab UDP
    通过matlab中GUI实现的远程通信程序(A remote communication program implemented by GUI in MATLAB)
    2020-10-06 10:37:39下载
  • median_avg_filter
    this program implements median and average filtering and compares the performance of the two.
    2011-03-06 02:59:51下载
  • Matlab-MODELS
    matlab models really useful
    2012-08-31 12:59:47下载
  • 所做项目中的一个卡尔曼滤波算法,需调用一些函数,但卡尔曼滤波的程序已给出,而且是正确的。...
    所做项目中的一个卡尔曼滤波算法,需调用一些函数,但卡尔曼滤波的程序已给出,而且是正确的。-Made the project a Kalman filter algorithm, need to call some function, but the Kalman filter procedure has been given, and is correct.
    2022-02-27 00:40:15下载
  • sampling
    samling using matlab
    2009-09-04 07:41:37下载
  • dianjixinhao
    电机电流信号的文本载入,时域和频域分析。(The text of the electrical current signal to load, time and frequency domain analysis.)
    2008-12-24 15:25:31下载
  • GRNN-
    基于广义回归神经网络的数据预测,使用交叉验证的GRNN神经网络预测程序,包含BP和GRNN效果比较程序。两网络用相同的数据进行训练。(Based on generalized regression neural network data prediction, using cross-validation GRNN neural network prediction program, including BP and GRNN effect comparison procedures. Two networks use the same data for training.)
    2021-04-22 22:18:48下载
  • Fuzzy
    fuzzy systeme for control of a motor velocity includes the simulink use and the conection to an adquision data card
    2011-11-29 22:49:59下载
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