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C# 设置制表位控制文本项的输出位置

于 2022-02-28 发布 文件大小:48.70 kB
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C# 设置制表位控制文本项的输出位置,将文字输出成表格的样式:   设置制表位控制文本项的输出位置    string MyText = " 姓名 高等数学 离散数学 数据结构 ";    MyText = MyText + "李开斌 95 81 92 ";    MyText = MyText + "汤小敏 78 84 75 ";    MyText = MyText + "汤柱兰 84 76 82 ";    MyText = MyText + "蒋兰坤 85 92 66 ";    MyText = MyText + "黄 丽 83 91 75 ";    MyText = MyText + "张中姣 75 88 82 ";    FontFamily MyFontFamily = new FontFamily("宋体");    Font MyFont = new Font(MyFontFamily, 10, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point);    Rectangle MyRect = new Rectangle(25, 70, 280, 110);    SolidBrush MyBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 128, 255));    StringFormat MyFormat = new StringFormat();    float[] MyTabArray = { 60, 80, 80 };    MyFormat.SetTabStops(0, MyTabArray);    e.Graphics.DrawString(MyText, MyFont, MyBrush, MyRect, MyFormat);



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