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在dos下读写pci卡-pci card reader



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  • 的asyncio样品(也叫“PDC”样本)是一个字符
    The AsyncIO sample (also called the "PDC" sample) is a character-mode program for searching the files in a directory tree for a match against a pattern. It uses multiple threads, with each thread processing one file at a time, accumulating its matches. When each thread finishes searching a file, the thread sends the matches contiguously to a standard output.
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  • FIR滤波 FPGA
    应用背景 FIR(fini te impulse response)滤波器是数字信号处理系统中最基本的元件,它可以在保证任意幅频特性的同时具有严格的线性相频特性,同时其单位冲激响应是有限的,没有输入到输出的反馈,系统稳定。因此,FIR滤波器在通信、图像处理、模式识别等领域都有着广泛的应用。关键技术在进入FIR滤波器前,首先要将信号通过A/D器件进行模数转换,使之成为8bit的数字信号,一般可用速度较高的逐次逼进式A/D转换器,不论采用乘累加方法还是分布式算法设计FIR滤波器,滤波器输出的数据都是一串序列,要使它能直观地反应出来,还需经过数模转换,因此由FPGA构成的FIR滤波器的输出须外接D/A模块。
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  • 扩频发射机,道编码采用(2, 1, 7)卷积 码, 扩频模块采用扩频长度255 的kasami码, 极性变换模块为3bit 量化模式, 内插模块为每两比特...
    扩频发射机,信道编码采用(2, 1, 7)卷积 码, 扩频模块采用扩频长度255 的kasami码, 极性变换模块为3bit 量化模式, 内插模块为每两比特间插入7bit 和输出滤波为16 阶的FIR 滤波器。-direct sequence spread spectrum transmitter
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  • 微软亚洲研究院论文:多媒体在Internet传输中服务质量自适应的代理存储
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  • TCP/IP协议是一个比较复杂的协议集,有很多专业书籍介绍。在此,我仅介绍其与编程密切相关的部分:以太网上TCP/IP协议的分层结构及其报文格式。...
    TCP/IP协议是一个比较复杂的协议集,有很多专业书籍介绍。在此,我仅介绍其与编程密切相关的部分:以太网上TCP/IP协议的分层结构及其报文格式。-TCP/IP protocol is a more complex set of agreements, there are many professional books introduced. Here, I just introduced its programming and closely related to the part : Ethernet TCP/IP protocol to the hierarchical structure and its message format.
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  • First, you need to embed the process of the browser window.CHtmlViewIEActiveX In...
    首先,需要在你的程序中嵌入IE浏览器的窗口。有两种实现方法,其一,添加CHtmlView的视类;其二,添加IE浏览器的ActiveX控件。其实不管用什么方法,除了函数名称稍有区别外,它们最终都调用了微软的IWebBrowser2的接口。IWebBrowser2的功能非常强劲,使用它的技术叫DHTML(动态HTML,以后再给大家介绍)。在这篇文章中,先给大家举例介绍一些初级的使用,起到抛砖引玉的作用。更多功能可以参考MSDN-First, you need to embed the process of the browser window.CHtmlViewIEActiveX In fact, no matter what means, in addition to slightly different function names, they were eventually called the Microsoft IWebBrowser2 interface. IWebBrowser2 function very strong, the use of its technology called DHTML (Dynamic HTML, after you give). In this article, for example letting you highlight some of the primary use, the role played congregate. More features can refer to the MSDN
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