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是一本关于自主移动机器人基本理论以及制作的英文版书籍。-Is an autonomous mobile robot on the basic theory and production of English books.



0 个回复

  • 16qam constellation and histogram
    16qam constellation and histogram
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  • Gpsapi 2.0(标准mobile接口)
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  • 利用红外线与手机,获取手机中的息,熟悉AT指令。
    利用红外线与手机通信,获取手机中的信息,熟悉AT指令。-use infrared to communicate with your mobile terminal,get the information from mobilephone, and we can be familiar with AT command suite.
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    MIMO_OFDMMIMO_OFDM系统信道估计分析-MIMO_OFDMMIMO_OFDM system analysis of channel estimation
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  • 能够像显示器一样显示红外线码的波型 可以读多达150种格式的红外线码 显示红外线码的时间非常准确,误差只有几个微秒。...
    能够像显示器一样显示红外线码的波型 可以读多达150种格式的红外线码 显示红外线码的时间非常准确,误差只有几个微秒。 -like to display showed that the wave infrared code-can read up to 150 infrared codes format shows red run time code is very accurate, error only a few microseconds.
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  • 夏普平坦衰落多径仿真,包括PDF,CDF,PSD分析,一…
    多径锐利平坦衰落仿真,包括PDF,CDF,PSD的分析,且带有一个BPSK通信的实例-Sharp flat fading multipath simulation, including the PDF, CDF, PSD analysis, and with a BPSK communication examples
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  • 上位机软件动态获取计算机COM口
    应用背景 通过MFC6.0生成一个单文档程序,然后新建一个对话框并生成一个新类;在对话框中添加两个组合框控件。在生成的新类上右击增加windows消息WM_INITDIALOG生成处理函数,函数内容见“关键技术描述”。函数体中的index和baud均为int型,可设为全局变量。 关键技术BOOL CComDlg::OnInitDialog()  { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); ((CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO2))->AddString("4800"); ((CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO2))->AddString("9600"); ((CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO2))->AddString("38400"); ((CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO2))->AddString("115200"); ((CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO2))->SetCurSel(0+baud); long lReg;   HKEY hKey;   DWORD MaxValueLength;
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  • 服务端,可以进行与服务期之间进行,主要应用了Visual C++的类库...
    通信服务端,可以进行与服务期之间进行通信,主要应用了Visual C++的通信类库- The correspondence service end, may carry on with serves between the time to carry on the correspondence, mainly has applied the Visual C correspondence class storehouse
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  • master's degree thesis : LDPC codes in Rayleigh fading channels Performance...
    硕士学位论文:LDPC码在瑞利衰落信道中的性能分析 信道编码技术可以带来编码增益,节省宝贵的功率资源,己经成为现代数字 通信系统中必不可少的关键技术。LDPC码采用低复杂度的迭代译码算法,且具有 逼近香农限的性能.由于LDPC码具有诸多优点,它在信息可靠传输中的良好应 用前景己经引起学术界和rr业界的高度重视,成为当今信道编码领域最受瞩目的 研究热点之一。 本文主要探讨了LDPC码在瑞利衰落信道中的性能,基于LDPC码的分组空 时码系统,以及基于LDPC码的正交频分复用系统.-master"s degree thesis : LDPC codes in Rayleigh fading channels Performance Analysis channel coding technology can bring coding gain, Power saving valuable resources have become modern digital communication systems essential to the critical technologies. LDPC low complexity of the iterative decoding algorithm, having approximation Shannon limit performance. Because LDPC has many advantages, It reliable transmission of information in the application of good prospects has been caused rr academia and industry are taking, become the channel coding areas of the most watched one of the hot spots. This paper mainly discusses the LDPC Rayleigh fading channels in the performance Based on LDPC a space-time coding system, and based on LDPC
    2022-08-22 06:48:54下载
  • it is useful power allocation in ofdm technique by the water filling algorithm
    it is useful power allocation in ofdm technique by the water filling algorithm
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