Delphi7 向XML中添加RTTI信息
Delphi7.0 向XML中添加RTTI信息,这个例子挺简单,希望大家喜欢,面向Delphi新手的,高手请绕道哦,下面是本例Delphi向XML中添加RTTI信息的关键性代码: procedure TForm1.ComponentToDOM(iNode: IXmlNode; Comp: TPersistent); var nProps, i: Integer; PropList: PPropList; Value: Variant; newNode: IXmlNode; begin nProps := GetTypeData (Comp.ClassInfo)^.PropCount; GetMem (PropList, nProps * SizeOf(Pointer)); try GetPropInfos (Comp.ClassInfo, PropList); for i := 0 to nProps - 1 do begin Value := GetPropValue (Comp, PropList [i].Name); NewNode := iNode.AddChild(PropList [i].Name); NewNode.Text := Value; if (PropList [i].PropType^.Kind = tkClass) and (Value 0) then if TObject (Integer(Value)) is TComponent then NewNode.Text := TComponent (Integer(Value)).Name else ComponentToDOM (newNode, TObject (Integer(Value)) as TPersistent); end; finally FreeMem (PropList); end; end;