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    这是第一届全国中文知识图谱研讨会演讲PPT,在清华大学举行,主要内容包括: 阿里巴巴一淘及搜索事业部——陈维 NLP Techniques in Knowledge Graph——Zhao Shiqi(百度知心) 面向中文知识图谱构建的知识融合与验证——孙乐 韩先培(中科院软件所) 跨语言知识图谱构建——李涓子(清华大学) 中文知识图谱:体系、获取与服务——赵军 刘康(中科院自动所) 信息获取与知识图谱——朱小燕(清华大学)这方面关于知识图谱的资料比较少,希望对你们有所帮助~ By:Eastmount
  • CMW500仪器手册
    CMW500的资料不多,这是非常不错的参考资料R&s CMW 500Contents overviewContents overview1 Preparing the Instrument for Use2 Getting Started3 System Overview4 Basic Instrument functions5 Remote Control6 System Command Reference7 General Purpose RF Applications8 GSM Applications9 WCDMA Applications10 WiMAX Applications11 AnnexesNote about Faceless InstrumentsChapter 1 of this manual gives an overview of the front panel controls and connectorsof the R&s CMW 500 Wideband Radio Communication Testers with display and givesall information that is necessary to put the instrument into operation and connectexternal devices. The application examples in Chapter 2 and the following chapters arealso based on a r&S CMW 500 with displayThe measurement functionality of the two instrument types is identical. You can test allmeasurement examples reported in this manual using an r&S CMW 500 withoutdisplay that is controlled from the Graphical User Interface displayed on an externalmonitor or pcFor specific information concerning faceless instruments refer to your quick start guide.Operating Manual 1202. 3986.32-03R&s CMW 500ContentsContents1 Preparing for Use…日日画1.1 Front Panel Tour1.1.1 Utility Keys…1.1.2 Status LEDs and Standby Key1.1.3 Display…1.1.4 Softkeys and Hotkeys1.1.5 Setup Keys1.1.6 Data Entry Keys223334561.1.7 Rotary Knob and Navigation Keys1.1.8 Front panel connectors1.1.8. 1 RF Connectors1.1.8.2 LAN Connector1.183 SENSOR Connector1.184 USB Connectors1.1.8.5 AF Connectors888881.2 Rear panel tour:::::B:1.3 Putting the Instrument into Operation1.3.1 Unpacking the instrument and checking the shipment1.3.2 Instrument Setup...............001.3.3 Bench Top Operation1.3.4 Mounting in a 19 Rack121.3.5 EMI Protective measures131.3.6 Connecting the Instrument to the AC Supply131.3.7 Power on and off…131.3.8 Replacing Fuses141.3.9 Standby and ready state141.4 Maintenance15Operating manual 1202.3986.32-03R&s CMW 500Contents1.4.1 Storing and Packing151.5 Connecting External Accessories…………,…,…,…,…,…,…,………,……….151.5.1 Connecting a mouse161.5.2 Connecting a Keyboard161.5.3 Connecting a Printer1.5. 4 Connecting a monitor1.5.5 Connecting a LAN Cable788916 Starting the R&scMW500 and Shutting D。wn…,.....,.,…,,,191.7 Remote Operation in a LAN...........-.201.7.1 Assigning an IP Address201.7.2 Remote Desktop Connection221.8 Windows xP国国国面1.9 Firmware Update…,,…,,,,,,,,,",…,…222 Getting Started,…,…,…252.1 Basic tasks.…252.1.1 Accessing Dialogs252.1.2 Using Keyboard Shortcuts272.1.3 Data entr272.14 Using Front Panel Keys.……282.1.5 Using an External Keyboard2.1.6 Task bar302.2 Sample Session…312.2.1 Generating an rf signal312.2.1.1 GPRF Generator2.2.2 Measuring an RF Signal332.2.2.1 GPRE Power333 System Overview…363.1 Generators363.1.1 Generator Control363.1.2 RF Path Settings(Generators)37Operating manual 1202.3986.32-03R&s CMW 500Contents3.2 Measurements383.2.1 Measurement control383.2.2 Connection Control(Measurements393.2.3 Statistical Settings3. 2. 4 Statistical Results3.2.4.1 Statistics Type423.2.4.2 Detectors433.2.4.3Peak∨ alues.433244 Averaging…443.245 Standard deviation143.2.5 Trigger Settings453.2.6 TX Measurements453.2.6.1 Power results463.2.6.2 Modulation accuracy3.2.6.3 Adjacent Channel Power(Spectrum)493.2.6.4 Spectrum Emission Mask493.2. 6.5 Code domain power503.2.6.6 Multi-Evaluation measurements4 Basic Instrument Functions534.1.1 Startup Dialog534.2 Utility Dialogs544.2.1 Reset Dialog..4.2.2 Print Dialog554.2.3 Save/Recall Dialog564.3 Setup Dialog…,,,,…574.3.1 Activating Options584.3.2 Selftests…594.3.2.1 General test features604.3.2.2 Board Tests614.3.23 System Tests…62Operating Manual 1202.3986.32-03R&s CMW 500Contents4.3.2.4 Performing Selftests24.3.25 Selftest Parameters634.3.3 Reference Frequency654.3.3.1 Reference Frequency Settings654.3.4 Measurement Controller Dialog664.3.5 Generator Controller Dialog665 Remote Control685.1 Remote Control Operation685.1.1 Establishing and Testing a LAN Connection705.1.2 Switchover to remote control5.1.3 Return to Manual Operation715.2 Messages国国国面…725.2.1 VXI-11 Interface Messages725.2.2 GPIB Bus Interface Messages..725.2.3 Device Messages(Commands and Device Responses)735.2. 4 SCPl Command structure and syntax735.2.4.1 Common commands745.2.4.2 Instrument-Control Commands5.2.4,3 Structure of a command line765.2.4.4 Responses to Queries5.2.45 SCPI Parameters,775.2.4.6 Use of SCPl Subsystems95.3 R&s CMW Software and command structure5.3.1 General command structure5.3.2 Firmware applications815.3.3 Measurement Contexts and views5.4 Control of the instrument825.4.1 Measurement Control825.4.1.1 Measurement states and measurement control commands835.4.1.2 INITiate: : MEASurement84Operating manual 1202.3986.32-03R&s CMW 500Contents5.4.1.3 ABORt: MEASurement 8554.14sTOP:< Application> MEASurement>.,……855.4.1.5 Measurement substates855.4.2 Statistical Settings865.4.3 Retrieving Measurement Results885.4,3. FEtCh.? Command885.4.3.2 READ.? Command∴8954.33 Retrieving Single∨ alues and traces.…5.4.4 Reliability Indicator5.4.4.1 Common Reliability Indicator……5.4.5 Multi-Evaluation Measurements5.4.6 Generator control925. 4.7 RF Path Settings945.4.8 Resource and path Management∴945.4.8. 1 Basic RPM Principles5.4.8.2 Queuing of Measurements∴9654.83 Causes for task Conflicts5.4.8.4 Monitoring Measurement and Generator States995.5 Command Processing...:::::B:995.5.1 Input Unit1005.5.2 Command Recognition1005.5.3 Data base and instrument hardware1015.5.4 Status Reporting System1015.5.5 Output Un1025.6 Status Reporting System1025.6.1 Overview of status Registers1035.6.2 Structure of an SCPl Status Register…1035.6.2.1 Description of the five status register parts1045.6.3 Contents of the Status Registers1055.6.3.1 STB and sre.105Operating manual 1202.3986.32-03R&s CMW 500Contents5.6.3.2 IST Flag and pPe.1065.6. 3.3 EsR and ese∴1075.6.3 4 STATus: OPERation1085.6.3.5 STATus QUEStionable1085.6.4 Application of the status reporting s ystem1085.6.4.1 Service Request1085.6.4.2 Serial poll1095.6.4.3 Parallel poll1095.6.4.4 Query of an Instrument Status1105.64.5 Error queue.….115.6.5 Reset Values of the Status Reporting System1116 Command reference∴∴11361 Special Terms and Notation…,…………,…,…,………,…,…,,…,………………1136.2 Common commands1156.3 Instrument-Control commands.117631 MMEMory Commands…..,,,…,,……1176.3.2 Ref Frequency Commands1206.3.3 STATus Commands1216.3.4 SYSTem Commands1256.3.5 LAN Services1256.3.6 Miscellaneous Instrument Settings1286. 4 Alphabetical List of Commands System)1317 GPRF Applications1337.1 GPRF Measurements and generators1337.1.1 General Purpose RF Generato.1337.1.1.1 GPRF Generator(Constant Frequency)1337.1.1.2 Arbitrary RF Generator(Option R&S CMW-B110 A)1347.1.13 List Mode∴1357.1.2 Power measurement1357.1.2.1 Test Setup…135Operating manual 1202.3986.32-03
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