首页 » matlab » machine-learning-ex1


于 2021-03-17 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 3


说明:  吴恩达机器学习课程第一次练习作业(主要关于线性规划以及其损失函数的两种计算方式)(The first exercise of wuenda machine learning course (mainly on linear programming and two calculation methods of its loss function))


machine-learning-ex1, 0 , 2021-03-17
machine-learning-ex1\ex1, 0 , 2021-03-17
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\computeCost.m, 739 , 2020-03-16
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\computeCostMulti.m, 798 , 2020-03-16
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\ex1.m, 3948 , 2020-03-16
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\ex1_multi.m, 4460 , 2020-03-16
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\ex1data1.txt, 1359 , 2017-03-14
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\ex1data2.txt, 657 , 2017-03-14
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\featureNormalize.m, 1415 , 2020-03-16
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\gradientDescent.m, 1276 , 2020-03-16
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\gradientDescentMulti.m, 1351 , 2020-03-16
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\lib, 0 , 2021-03-17
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\lib\jsonlab, 0 , 2021-03-17
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\lib\jsonlab\AUTHORS.txt, 1624 , 2017-03-14
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\lib\jsonlab\ChangeLog.txt, 3862 , 2017-03-14
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\lib\jsonlab\LICENSE_BSD.txt, 1551 , 2017-03-14
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\lib\jsonlab\README.txt, 19369 , 2017-03-14
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\lib\jsonlab\jsonopt.m, 881 , 2017-03-14
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\lib\jsonlab\loadjson.m, 18732 , 2017-03-14
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\lib\jsonlab\loadubjson.m, 15574 , 2017-03-14
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\lib\jsonlab\mergestruct.m, 771 , 2017-03-14
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\lib\jsonlab\savejson.m, 17462 , 2017-03-14
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\lib\jsonlab\saveubjson.m, 16123 , 2017-03-14
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\lib\jsonlab\varargin2struct.m, 1094 , 2017-03-14
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\lib\makeValidFieldName.m, 1195 , 2017-03-14
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\lib\submitWithConfiguration.m, 5562 , 2017-03-14
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\newton.m, 981 , 2020-12-18
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\normalEqn.m, 700 , 2020-03-16
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\plotData.m, 1006 , 2020-03-16
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\submit.m, 1876 , 2017-03-14
machine-learning-ex1\ex1\warmUpExercise.m, 513 , 2020-03-16
machine-learning-ex1\ex1.pdf, 489928 , 2017-03-14
machine-learning-ex1\linear regression1.png, 64178 , 2020-03-16
machine-learning-ex1\multiple linear regression .png, 60260 , 2020-03-16



0 个回复

  • BarrierMaker
    纵向罗绮光栅的制作。用于生成周期为6个(可以根据需要改变)像素的纵向罗绮光栅,可以根据需要设定光栅的分辨率。(Vertical Luo Qi Grating. Used to generate a period of 6 (can be changed) pixels vertically Luo Qi grating may be based on need to set raster resolution.)
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