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于 2020-12-11 发布
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说明:  1.使用medfilt2函数对‘lena.bmp’进行不同模板大小的中值滤波,并观察效果 2.使用fspecial函数构造‘gaussian’, ‘sobel’, ‘prewitt’, ‘laplacian’, ‘average’等不同滤波算子,使用filter2函数对‘cameraman.tif ’进行滤波,观察不同滤波器的效果 3.设计频域理想低通和理想高通滤波器,对‘phantom.bmp’图像进行频域滤波,显示滤波结果。然后改变截止频率,观察对结果的影响。 4.对‘homo.bmp’进行同态滤波,其中频域同态滤波器自行设计。要求在程序注释中说明你设计该滤波器的思想。(1' lena.bmp 'The median filtering with different template sizes was carried out and the effect was observed2. Fsspecial function is used to construct different filter operators such as' Gaussian ',' Sobel ',' Prewitt ',' Laplacian ',' average ', etc' cameraman.tif 'Filter and observe the effect of different filters3. Design ideal low pass and ideal high pass filters in frequency domain' phantom.bmp 'The image is filtered in frequency domain and the filtering result is displayed. Then change the cut-off frequency and observe the effect on the results.4. Yes' homo.bmp 'The homomorphic filter is designed by ourselves. The idea of designing the filter should be explained in the program notes.)


t_4_3.m, 1398 , 2020-11-23
t_4_4.m, 516 , 2020-11-23
cameraman.tif, 65240 , 2020-11-04
homo.bmp, 66614 , 2020-11-22
lena.bmp, 263222 , 2020-11-22
t_4_1.m, 452 , 2020-11-23
t_4_2.m, 912 , 2020-11-23



0 个回复

  • strtok
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