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于 2020-11-30 发布
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说明:  通过simulink仿真模拟不同光照强度下的光伏模块串后的光伏特性,可以进行局部阴影下的光伏发电MPPT模拟仿真,仿真结果为多峰值形式,符合文献中规律特点,结果可导入工作空间,利用MATLAB进行绘图。(Through Simulink simulation, the photovoltaic characteristics of photovoltaic modules in series under different light intensity can be simulated, and the MPPT simulation of photovoltaic power generation under local shadow can be carried out. The simulation results are in the form of multi peak, which conform to the characteristics of the literature. The results can be imported into the workspace and drawn by MATLAB.)


duofengzhimoni.slx, 24891 , 2020-10-23



0 个回复

  • pca
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