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研究生 模式识别 结业的论文,我自己的,也通过了,大家参考一下。
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Observers in Control Systems
详细介绍了状态观测器及其在控制系统中的应用。Observers inControl SystemsA Practical guideGeorge ellisDanaher corporation4ACADEMIC PRESSAn imprint of elsevier ScienceAmsterdam Boston London New York Oxford ParisSan Diego San Francisco Singapore Sydney TokyoThis book is printed on acid-free paper ooCopyright 2002, Elsevier Science (USA)All rightsNo part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by anymeans, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any informationstorage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Requestsfor permission to make copies of any part of the work should be mailed to thefollowing address: Permissions Department, Harcourt, Inc, 6277 Sea Harbor DriveOrlando. Florida. 32887-6777.ACADEMIC PRESSAn imprint of Elsevier Science525 B Street, Suite 1900, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, USAhttp://www.academicpress.comAcademic pr84 Theobalds Road. London WCIX 8RR. UKhttp://www.academicpress.comLibrary of congress control Number: 2002104256International Standard book Number: 0-12-237472-XPrinted in the United States of america020304050607MB987654321TO Lee Ann, my loving wife, and our daughter Gretchen, who makes us both proud.Observers in Control Systems■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Acknowledgments■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Safety■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■1 Control Systems and the role of observers■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■1.1 Overviewaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1.2 Preview of observers21.3 Summary of the book2 Control-System Background52.1 Control-System Structures52.2 Goals of control systems132.3 Visual Model Simulation Environment2. 4 Software Experiments: Introduction to Visual ModelQ182.5 Exercises393 Review of the Frequency Domain.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■3. 1 Overview of the s-domain413.2 Overview of the z-Domain543.3 The Open-Loop Method593.4 A Zone-Based Tuning Procedure623.5 Exercises664 The Luenberger observer: Correcting SensorProblems674. 1 What Is a luenberger observer?674.2 Experiments 4A-4C: Enhancing Stability with an Observer724.3 Predictor-Corrector Form of the Luenberger Observer774. 4 Filter Form of the luenberger observer. ..................................784.5 Designing a Luenberger observer824.6 Introduction to Tuning an observer compensator9047 Exercises955 The Luenberger Observer and Model Inaccuracy... 975.1 Model Inaccuracy.........….……,975.2 Effects of Model Inaccuracy .............................................1005.3 Experimental Evaluation1025.4 Exercises1146 The Luenberger observer and disturbances1156.1 Disturbances1156.2 Disturbance Response1236.3 Disturbance DecouplingIB..-.81296.4 Exercises1387 Noise in the Luenberger Observer…,,,…,,…,…,1417.1 Noise in Control Systems1417.2 Sensor noise and the luenberger observer1457.3 Noise Sensitivity when Using Disturbance Decoupling1567. 4 Reducing Noise Susceptibility in Observer-Based Systems1617.5 Exercises1708 Using the Luenberger Observer in Motion Control1738.1 The Luenberger observers in motion Systems1738.2 Observing Velocity to Reduce Phase Lag1858.3 Using observers to Improve Disturbance Response..... 2028.4 Exercises212Referencesn213A Observer-Based resolver conversion in industrialServo Systems1■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■217B Cures for mechanical resonance in IndustrialServo Systems227Introductionaaa日aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa日aaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa日aa227TWo-Part Transfer function228LOW-Frequency Resonance229Velocity Control Law…...8....230Methods of Correction Applied to Low-Frequency Resonance231Conc| usion.…235Acknowledgments235References235C European Symbols for Block Diagrams237Part Linear functions237Part l: nonlinear functions238D Development of the bilinear transformation241Bilinear Transformation241Prewarning242Factoring polynomials243Phase Advancing………………………,243Solutions toChapter 2245Chapter 3245Chapter 4246Chapter 5重口m口m246Chapter 6247Chapter7.….B..8..8..8...248Chapter 8249Index251AcknowledgmentsWriting a book is a large task and requires support from numerous people, and thosepeople deserve thanks. First, I thank LeeAnn, my devoted wife of more than 20 yearsShe has been an unflagging fan, a counselor, and a demanding editor. She taught memuch of what I have managed to learn about how to express a thought in ink. Thanksto my mother who was sure I would grow into someone in whom she would be proudwhen facts should have dissuaded her Thanks also to my father for his insistence thatI obtain a college education; that privilege was denied to him, an intelligent man borninto a family of modest meansI am grateful for the education provided by Virginia Tech Go Hokies. The basicsof electrical engineering imparted to me over my years at school allowed me to graspthe concepts I apply regularly today. I am grateful to Mr. Emory Pace, a toughprofessor who led me through numerous calculus courses and, in doing so, gaveme the confidence on which I would rely throughout my college career and beyondI am especially grateful to Dr Charles Nunnally; having arrived at university froma successful career in industry, he provided my earliest exposure to the practicalapplication of the material I strove to learn. I also thank Dr robert lorenz of theUniversity of Wisconsin at Madison, who introduced me to observers some years agoHis instruction has been enlightening and practical. Several of his university coursesare available in video format and are recommended for those who would like toextend their knowledge of controls. In particular, readers should consider ME 746which presents observers and numerous other subjectsI thank those who reviewed the manuscript for this book. Special thanks goes toDan Carlson for his contributions to almost every chapter contained herein Thanksalso to Eric Berg for his numerous insights. Thanks to the people of KollmorgenCorporation(now, Danaher Corporation), my long-time employer, for their continuing support in writing this book. Finally, thanks to Academic Press, especially to JoelClaypool, my editor, for the opportunity to write this edition and for editing, printing, distributing, and performing the myriad other tasks required to publish a bookX1
- 2020-12-11下载
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- 2020-12-11下载
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本资源利用MCGS组态软件来模拟实现四层电梯的控制,运行。PLC WORLD处理器为核心,综合了计算机控制、自动化、通讯网络等技术的一种通用的工业控制装置。PLC电梯控制系统有如下的特点:(1)、PLC是基于工业环境下设计的控制装置,环境适应性强,可靠性高;(2)、PLC最常用的编程语言是梯形图语言,编程语言形象、直观,编程筒单,便于广大现场工程技术人员掌握。(3)、門C控制系统的体积小,重量轻,便于安装,维修方便。(4)、PLC具有自诊断、故障报警、故种类显示等功能,可以方便的实时监视系统的运行状态。(5)、现代PLG具有传统控制系统无法比拟的远程数据传送、交换、控制和监枧的网络通讯功能。1.2系统结构和控制器选型电梯的PLC控制系统的结构如图1所示,主要硬件包括:可编控制器PL0、变频器、光电旋转编码器、轿厢操纵盘、厅外呼梯盘、门机及其他电气元件等。轿箱历外上位积操纵呼梯盘组态监控楼层显示申行接入部PLC部分串行接口2分门机编拽引机变频器码器图1系统结构图PLC WORLD1.3本次实习所选用的PLG机型?以及编程软件?S7-200可编程控制器是德国西门子公司研制的一种新型可编程控制器。它工作可靠,功能极其强大,存储容量大,编程方便,输出端可直接驱动2A的继电器或接触器的线圈,抗干扰能力强。因此,能够满足电梯对电气控制系统的要求。S7-200系列小型PG( MicroPL0)可应用于各种自动化系统。紧凑的结构,低廉的成本,强大的功能使得它成为各种小型控制任务的理想解决方案。在本次设计中,利用它编写控制一个四层楼电梯的控制系统分别完成轿厢内指令,厅外召唤指令,楼层位置指示,开门控制等任务STEP7WN32是S7-200系列的PLG编程软件,可以对S7-200的所有功能进行编程。该软件在 Windows平台上运行。其基本功能是协助用户完成应用软件任务。例如:创建用户程序,修改和编辑过程中编辑器具有简单的语法检查功能。还可以直接用软件设置PG的工作方式,参数和运行监控2.四层楼电梯模拟控制的设计控制要求(1)开始时,电梯处于任意一层。(2)当有外呼电梯信号到来是,轿厢响应该呼梯信号,达到该楼层时,轿厢停止运行,(轿厢门打开,延时3秒后自动关门)(3)当有内呼电梯信号到来是,轿厢响应该呼梯信号,达到该楼层时,轿厢停止运行,(轿厢门打开,延时3秒后自动关门)(4)在电梯轿厢运行过程中,即轿厢上升(或下降)途中,任何反PLC WORLD方向下降(或上升)的外呼信号均不响应,但如果反方向外呼梯信号前方再无其他内、外呼梯信号时,则电梯响应该外呼梯信号。例如,电梯轿厢在一楼,将要运行到三楼,在次过程中可以响应二层向上的外呼梯信号,但不响应二层向下的外哗梯信号。当到达三层,如果四层没有任何呼梯信号,则电梯可以响应三层向下外呼梯信号。否则,电梯将继续运行至四楼,然后向下运行响应三层向下外呼梯信号(5)电梯具有最远反向外呼梯功能。例如,电梯轿厢在一楼,而同时有二层向下呼梯,三层向下呼梯,四层向下外吇梯,则电梯轿厢先去四楼响应四层向下外呼梯信号。(6)电梯未平层或运行时,开门按钮和关门按钮均不起作用。平层且电梯轿厢停止运行后,按开门按钮轿厢开门,按关门按钮轿厢关门。3.I/0点的分配如下10.0S4四层内呼|10.7U1层上呼10.1S3层内呼11.0U2二层上呼10.2S2二层内呼11.1U3三次上呼10.3S1层内呼11.2SQ1层限位PLC WORLD10.4D4四层下呼11.3SQ2二层限位10.5D3层下呼11.4SQ3三层限位10.6D2二层下呼11.5SQ4四层限位Q0.0L4轿厢在四Q1.0SL2内呼二层层指示Q0.1L3轿厢在三Q1.1SL1内呼一层层指示Q0.2L2轿厢在二Q12外呼一层层上指示00.3L1轿厢在一Q1.3UP2外呼二层层上指示Q0.4DOWN轿厢上行Q1.4UP3外呼三层上指示Q0.5UP轿厢下行Q1.5DN2外呼二层下指示00.6sL4内呼四层Q1.6dn3呼三层指示下指示Q0.7内呼三层Q1.74外呼四层指示下指示4.PLC编程程序如下:4.1指令表:PLC WORLDsgLDsa22sq33sq1414Dsq0LD MO. 50MO. 4ALDLDSg2sq10MO. 5LDMO. 7M0. 6ALDOLDM2.0PLC WORLDsgdownLDMO. 7MO. 6ALDLD14sqdownM0. 6DMO. 5MO. 4ALDOLDM2.1MO. 2ANM3.0ownsq2sa3ANg4OLDPLC WORLDM3.3sg3sa2qAN MO. 5AMO. 7M2.0M3.3LDN MO. 2ANM2.7LDn sq 1AN213sqOLDM3.4g40sa3PLC WORLDsq200AAdownM0. 6MO. 3MO. 4LDM2.1M3.6OLDM3.4downd4sq4AL0ADd3sq3OLD20d22OLDusq
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