首页 » Others » 改进的种子区域生长算法


于 2020-12-01 发布
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站里这方面资源不多,特别是种子区域生长方面的很少,上传一个算一个吧rightnumleftnuIm percent2()Ivaluerightnumipercent2(rvalue)pm= lvalue/‖P‖,pma= rvalue/‖P‖‖Pwindows xpMATLAB (R2008aOtsa.RlenI=ll, Rlen2=60, percent1=55%c, percent270%b. Rlenl=ll, Rlen2=80, percent1=50%, percent2=94%c.Rlen1-1l, Rlen2-100 percent1-65%. percent2-80%d. Rlen1-1l, Rlen2-=80, percent1=60%. percent2-83%2cent 1percent2Percentppercent 13C1994-2012ChinaAcademicJournalElectronicPublishingHouse.Allrightsreservedhtlp://www.cnki.net[J]2007,29(6):854-857[J]26(2):93-962010,45(7):76-80[JI.1963:1l5-12005,26(11):[J],2005,17(1):1-3Research on the improved algorithm and application ofseed region growth method and its sail image extrationYAN Shen-hai, HUANG Xian-tong, LIU Yang(School of Mathematics Computer Science, Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou 341000, Jiangxi, ChinaAbstract: Seeded region growing is a common method of image segmentation. Its performance depends largelyon the seleclion of seed points and growth rules. In order Lo extract snail images with such methods more effectively.The article analyzes the basic idea of the seeded region growing method(SRG) and presents an improved seededregion growing method (ISRG) which is used to extract the snail images. In ISRG, novel similarities rules and anew dynamic threshold method are adopted. For the complex and various habitat of snail, ISRG selects the region growing seed points manually. It is demonstrated by experimental results that ISRG can achieve better snailimage extraction results under the complicated real-world sceneKey words: seeded region growing (SRG; image extraction; dynamic threshold; snail(E D:X, JC1994-2012ChinaAcademicJournalElectronicPublishingHouse.Allrightsreservedhtlp://www.cnki.net



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