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  • microTCA规范
    PICMG microTCA.0 Specification RC1.0ContentsIntroduction and objectives1.1 Overview1.2 Introduction1.2.1S1.2.2 MicroTCa implementation options1画1-21.2.3 Design goals1-21.2.4 Elements of microtca1-312.5 Theory of operation……着1国面1面日正1-81.3 Micro TCA enclosure types191.3.1 Single Shelf implementation191.3.2 TWo Tier mⅸ ed Width Shelf implementation.…….….….….….….….…....1-101.3.3 Two-Tier fixed Single Width Shelf implementation ....................1-101.3.4 Back-to-Back Shelf implementation.1-101.3.5 Cube Shelf implementation..1-101.3.6 Pico Shelf implementations1111.3.7 Other implementation options1111.4 Application examples1-1114.1 Base station…1-111.42 Router1-121.4.3∨ olP node.….1-121.4.4 Other Telecom Network applicationsE画1-121.4.5 Enterprise applications1-131.4.6 Other applications.....1-131.4.7 Consumer applications1-131.5 Special word usage1-131.6 Conformance1-141.7 Dimensions1-141.8 Regulatory guidelines1-141.9 Reference specifications1.10 MicroTCA0 Specification contributor……1-151-161.11 Name and logo usage1-161.12 Intellectual property……1-171.12.1 Necessary claims1,,面,国国,,国面正∴1-181.12.2 Unnecessary claims11181.12. 3 Third party disclosures1-181.13 Glossary1-192Mechanical2-12.1 Mechanical overview∴………….2-12.1.1 Terminology…2-22.1.2 Typical arrangement examples2-22.2 Dimensions, tolerances, drawing symbols, and nomenclature2-62.3 Mechanical concept2-82.4 AdvancedMC Module orientation, location, and positioning2-1624.1 Module orientation.2-162.4.2 Module positioning, horizontal--mandatory2-172.4.3 Module positioning, vertical-mandatoryU.882-192. 4. 4 Module positioning, depth--mandatory,.42-21PICMG( Micro TCAO Specification Draft RC1. 0, May 26, 2006Do not specify or claim compliance with this Draft Specification2.5 Slot detail dimensions2-222.5.1S|ot..2-222.5.2 Slot configurations, subdividing Slots2-222.5.3 Card guide, Strut, and Card Guide Support Plate(CGSP)…………2232.5.4 Optional Subrack attachment plane2-322.5.5 AdvancedMC Module--optional locking………………………2-342.6 Backplane2-3627 Subrack dimensions2-412.7.1 Mandatory Subrack2-422.8 Shelf2-472.8. 1 Shelf types.2-482.8.2 Shelf width and height…...…2-492.8.3 Shelf depth2-492.8.4 Air filter provision2-502.8.5 ESD wrist strap interface2-502.8.6 Shelf alarm LEDs2-512.9 Cable management2-522. 10 Power entry /Power Module2-562.10.1 Power Module pcb dimensions2-582.10.2 Power Module component height1·面2-632.10.3 Power module face plate2-642.10. 4 Power Module handle/Latch mechanism.2672.10.5 Power module lEDs2-672. 10.6 Power Module EMc gasketing2-672.10.7 Power Module satety covers2-672.10 8 Power module labels2-682.10. 9 Power Module Backplane Connector2-682.11 MCH Module2-692.11.1 Module types2-692.11.2 MCH PCB dimensions.2-702.11.3 MCH Subrack slot details2-772.11. 4 Plug Connector.2-792.11.5 Sequencing and contact area2-812.11.6 MCH positioning2-812. 12 Air flow management面2-822.13 Auxiliary Connector(Zone 2 and zone 3)keying2-832.13.1 Component keep- in height2-842.13.2 Connector keep-in height2-842.133 Keying block…2-852.13.5 AMC0 electrically compatible keying block2.13. 4 Keying block with electrical connections2-86.2-872.14 MicroTCa cube2892.15 MicroTCA Pico2.16 Microtca filler pane的∵面1面面,面2-902-902.17 Cooling Units(CUs)2-912.18 Subrack/Shelf/Cube/Pico performance.2922. 18.1 Load carrying2-922.18.2 Insertion cycles2922.18.3ESD2-922.18.4EMC2-93PICMG MicroTCA. 0 Specification Draft RC1.O, May 26, 2006Do not specify or claim compliance with this Draft Specification2. 18.5 Safety2-932.18.6 Physical Slot and Tier numbering2932.19 Subrack/Shelf environmental2-962.19. 1 Subrack shock and vibration2-962.19.2 Earthquake.........2-962.19.3 Flammability2-962.19.4 Atmospheric2-962. 19.5 Thermal2-972.19.6 Acoustic∴…………………2972.19.7 Surface temperatures2-972.20 References2-973 Hardware platform management3-13.1 Overview3.1.1 Micro Tca Carrier model3-13.1.3 Relationship with IPMI, AdvancedMC, and AdvancedTCA.3.1.2 MicroTCA management architecture3-23-73.1.4 Key differences from PICMG 3.0 and AMC.0 specifications..........3-73.1.5 PICMG properties and FRU Device ID assignments3-93.2 Management-related interconnects3-113.2.1 AdvancedMc interconnects3-113.2.2 Power Module and Cooling Unit interconnects3.2.3 Guidelines for OEM Module interconnects and management3-133-143.2.4 Carrier FRU Information device requirements.3-153.25 Microtca carrier interconnects3-193.3 Carrier Manager.…….…..…...…3-203.3.1 MCH Face Plate indicators3-223.3.2 Payload Interface3-223.3.3 Carrier Manager IP address3-223.3.4 IPM event support∴3-243.3.5 Redundant MCH operation3-253.3.6 Addressing3-263.3.7 Carrier number3-293.3.8 Location information34 Shelf Manager…3-383. 4.1 Shelf Manager configuration options383.4.2 Differences from the AdvancedTca shelf Manager3-403.4.3 Shelf-Carrier Manager Interface翻套国画1面,国面,1面D国画面国3-423.4.4 Shelf Manager IP addre3-433.5 MCMC requirements3453.6 EMMC requirements3-463.7 Operational state management3-483.7.1 Carrier Manager start up……….….….….………..……3483.7.2 Shelf Manager actions on Carrier detection3-483.7.3 Normal Shelf operation1B面面国B3-483.7.4 Abnormal situation handling3-4938 Power management.……3-493.8.1 Power clapping国面3-503.8.2 Micro T CA Carrier Power Management records.3-513.8.3 Early power management356PICMG( Micro TCAO Specification Draft RC1. 0, May 26, 2006Do not specify or claim compliance with this Draft Specification3.8.4 Normal power management.3-573.8.5 Power management commands and sensors3-593.8.6 Abnormal power condition handling3-673.9 Cooling management3-693.9.1 Fan geography.…3-703.9.2 Cooling control…3-713.9.3 Normal cooling operation3-723.9.4 Abnormal cooling operation3-733.9.5 Fan tachometer sensors3-733.9.6 Temperature sensors翻画1国翻B1B…3-733.10 Electronic Keying3-743.10.1 Micro TCA Carrier point-to-point connectivity information3-753.10.2 Module point-to-point connectivity information.3-773.10.3 AMC Port state commands3-783.10.4 Clock b- Keying……3-783.11 Telco alarm management3-73. 12 System Event log…………3-863.13 Sensor management3-863.13.1 Guidelines and requirements for fru sensor events3-863.13.2 MCMC SDR requirements.3-873.13.3 EMMC SDR requirements3-883.13.4 Carrier Manager SDR requirements3-883.14 fru Information.3-913. 14.1 EMMC FRU Information3-913. 14.2 MCMC FRU Information3-913.143 Carrier FRu Information3-923. 14.4 Shelf fru information面国面国面3-923.15 PMI message bridging……….3-933.15.1 Message bridging process3-933.16 PMI functions and command3-943. 16.1 Required IPMI functions..3-953.16.2 Command assignments3-973.17 FRU records, sensors and entity Ids∴3-1084 Power…4-14.1 Overview4-14.2 Loads on the Power Subsystem4-24.2.1 Microtca carrier hub(MCH),………,………………………24-24.2.2 Cooling Units4-74.2.3 Advanced mezzanine cards4-104.3 Power architecture4-134.3.1 Basic functionality4-134.3.2 Partitioning of the Power Subsystem:.::a:.4-154.3.3 Power sources4-154.3. 4 Power Subsystem redundancy4-164.3.5 System Grounding considerations4-214.3.6 Power distribution and backplane considerations4-234.4 Control and monitoring of the Power Subsystem4-2444.1 PM-EMMCs4-244.4.2 Geographic Address4-24PICMG MicroTCA. 0 Specification Draft RC1.O, May 26, 2006Do not specify or claim compliance with this Draft Specification4.4.3|PMB-04-2444.4Ps1[S|o#4-254.4.5EN[Slof]#,…4-2544.6 PWRON_[Sot]…4-254.4.7PSPM#4-2644.8 PM-EMMC watchdog timer……4264.4.9 Power Module oK4-2744.10 Power module reset4-274.4.11 System power-up4-274.4.12 Input voltage sensors1国面面量面1国面4-294.4.13 Temperature sensors4-294414 Power module extraction switch4-304,415 Blue lED4-304.4.16LED14-314 4.17 Other leds4-314.5 Connectors4-314.5. 1 Power Module Output Connector4-324.5.2 Power Module Input Connectors81国面面4-324.6 Single-Width,Fu‖- Height Power Module…∴4-334.6.1 Inputs4-344.6.2 Outputs4-354.6.3 Bulk supply current limit4-384.6.4 Control and monitoring………………………4-384.6.5 Redundancy4-384.6.6 Mechanical4-4546.7 Thermals.8...8.88.84-45画·面4.6.8 Regulatory.4-4547 Other mechanical considerations…4-464.7.1 Double-Width form factor4-464.7.2 Form factors other than Full-Height4-464.8 Power source considerations.4-464.8.1 DC power feeds4-474.8.2 AC power feeds4-554.9 References4-605 Thermal5.1 Overview5-15.2 AMC. 0 Modules and microtCa国着画5-15.3 AMC.0 Carriers and microtca5.4 Subrack slot5-25.5 Airflow path5.6 AMC.0 Modules and power dissipation.5-35-35.7 MicroTCA system cooling configuration……….….….…....545. 8 Air distribution in a slot5-45.9 Air inlet and exhaust5-55. 10 Slot cooling capability5-55. 11 Module cooling requirements●5.12 Standard air.5-75.12.1 Derivatie5.122 Barometric changes due to weather....…...……….57PICMG( Micro TCAO Specification Draft RC1. 0, May 26, 2006Do not specify or claim compliance with this Draft Specification5.13 Slot impedance curve.5-85.14 Slot fan flow curve5.15 Cooling Unit failure5-85.16 Filters5.17 System sensors….…….….……5-95.18 Thermal and operating environment5-105.19 Thermal and cabling5-105.20 Simulation and impedance testing5-105.20.1 AdvancedMC/MCH reference Module..5-115.20.2 Power Unit reference module∴5-125.21 Simulation environment5.22 Thermal dynamic modeling5-135.23 Fluid networking modeling5.24 Acoustic noise5-135.25 Surface temperature5-145.26 Design recommendations5-155.27 Cooling limitations and examples..5-175.28 References1面5-226 Interconnect6-16.1 Introduction.…6-16.2 Fabric interface6.2.1 Backplane fabric interface support requirements6-26.2.2 MCH fabric interface support requirements6.3 MCH Specific Interfaces6-46.3.1 MCH update Channel interface6-46.3.2 MCH cross-over Channel interface.6-56. 3. 3 MCH PWR ON interface6-66.3.4 Inter-MCH IPMB-L interface6.4 Synchronization clock interface6.4.1 Signal descriptions6-86. 4.2 Clock architectures6-96.4.3 Non-Telecom and Telecom clocks6-136.5 JTAG interface.…6-136.5.1 JSM Overview6-146.5.2 JSM Signaling Overview6-166.5.3 JSM Interface to mch16.54 JSM Interface to mch2.……6-186.5.5 JSM Interface to Advancedmcs.6-196.5.6 JSM Interface to Power modules.6-226.5.7 JSM Master mode selection6-236.5.8 JSM Interface to External tester..6-246.5.9 MCH JTAG6-266.5. 10 Power module jtAG6-276.6 MicroTCA Interface topologies1画6-276.6. 1 Topology models6-286.6.2 Correlation to AdvancedMc fabric regions6-296.7 MCH Connector pin allocation6-306.7.1 Pin naming conventions6-316.7.2 Fabric interface naming conventions6-31PICMG MicroTCA. 0 Specification Draft RC1.o, May 26, 2006Do not specify or claim compliance with this Draft Specification6.7.3 Synchronization clock interface naming convention6-316.7.4 MCH Connector pin list……………6-326.8 System examples.6-386.8. 1 Redundant MicroTCA system6-386.8.2 Variant redundant microtca interconnect6-416.8.3 Non-redundant MicroTCA system6-45Connectors7-17.1 General information7-17.2 AdvancedMC Backplane Connectors7-17.2.1 AdvancedMC Backplane Connector pin list7-27.2.2 AdvancedMC Backplane Connector dimensions7-27.2.3 Advancedmc backplane connector pcb layout∴7-67. 2. 4 AdvancedMC Backplane Connector electrical characteristics7-107.2.5 AdvancedMC Backplane Connector high-speed characteristics7-147.2.6 AdvancedMC Backplane Connector mechanical characteristics7-187.3 Micro TCa Carrier hub connectors7-197.3.1 Micro TCA Carrier Hub Connector pin list7-197.3.2 Micro TCA Carrier Hub mating interface design7-207.3.3 Micro TCA Carrier Hub backplane connector7-227.3. 4 Micro TCA Carrier Hub Connector Backplane PCB layout7-237. 3.5 Micro tca Carrier Hub connector electrical characteristics7-247.3.6 Micro TCA Carrier Hub Connector high-speed characteristics7-2573.7 Micro tCa Carrier hub connector mechanical characteristics7-297.4 Power Module Output Connector7.4.1 Power Module Output Connector pin list and mating sequence7-317.4.2 Power Module Output Connector dimensions7-327. 4.3 Power Module Output Connector Backplane PCb layout7-347.4.4 Electrical characteristics for power Module output connector.7-367.4.5 Power Module Output Connector mechanical characteristics7-397.5 Power Module Input Connector7.5.1 Power Module Input Connector pin list and mating sequence7-417.5.2 Power Module Input Connector dimensions7-427.5.3 Electrical characteristics for Power Module Input Connector7-477.5.4 Power Module Input Connector mechanical characteristics7-517.6 AdvancedMC Auxiliary Connector7-537.7 Test schedule7-547.7.1 Specimen measurement arrangements7-547.7.2 Test schedule tables.7-647. 8 References.7-798 Regulatory requirements and industry standard guidelines8-18.1 Regulatory……8-18.1.1 Safety8-18.1.2 Electromagnetic compatibility..……………8-28.1.3 Ecology standards.8-28.2 Telecommunications industry standards requirements8-38. 2. 1 EMC/safety requirements for the telecommunications industry.......8-38.2.2 Environmental requirements for the telecommunications industry ..............8-48.3 Reliability/MTBF standards8-7PICMG( Micro TCAO Specification Draft RC1. 0, May 26, 2006Do not specify or claim compliance with this Draft Specification8.4 Cross reference list8.5 FRU test guidelines∴8-78.5. 1 FRU safety test8-88.5.2 FRU EMC testing.8-88.5.3 FRU environmental testing8-9a Module mis-insertion considerationsA-1A 1 MCH Module mis-insertion combinationsA-2A 2 AdvancedMc module mis-insertion combinationsA-5A3 Power management implicationsA-8A 4 System management implicationsA-8A.4.1 Optional MMC instance on MCH ModuleA-9A.4.2 Using an AdvancedMC in an MCH SlotA-13A.4.3 Using an mch in an AdvancedMc SlotA-15A.4.4 Detecting mis-insertionsA-16A.5 Hardware implicationsA-1A. 5. 1 GNd pins at same locations........A-20A.5.2 PSO# and PS1# pins at same locationsA-23A.5.3 PWR and MP pins at same locationsA27A.5. 4 PWR ON pinA-29A.5.5 Ga[2: 0] pins at same locations道1面4…A-31A.5.6 ENABLE# pin at same locationA-35A.5.7 SDA L and SCL L pinsA-37A 5.8 JTAG pinsA-38A 5.9 Cross-over pinsA-39A.5. 10 TMREQ#, 12C SDA, and I2C SCL pins…A-39B Requirement list….B-1PICMG MicroTCA. 0 Specification Draft RC1.O, May 26, 2006Do not specify or claim compliance with this Draft Specification
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