首页 » matlab » MOPSO-WSN_code-master


于 2020-08-09 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 3


说明:  PSO protocole for wsn


MOPSO-WSN_code-master, 0 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\Book1.xlsx, 13415 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\CheckNonDominated.m, 1543 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\Init.m, 3636 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\LocalDominanceTest.m, 879 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\MultObjFitness.m, 2421 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\NodeMovement.m, 240 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\PSO.m, 7076 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\README.md, 462 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\RepUpdate.m, 6136 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\Update.m, 1062 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\clusters.txt, 1650 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\energy.fig, 877866 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\energy.txt, 1350 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\energy_vs_optimality.fig, 15923 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\fitness.fig, 11937 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\optimality.txt, 1800 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\resources, 0 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\resources\1-s2.0-S187705091830824X-main.pdf, 541540 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\resources\IJET-23734.pdf, 435297 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\resources\the-design-of-an-optimal-and-secure-routing-model-in-wireless-sensor-networks-by-using-pso-algorithm.pdf, 346570 , 2020-08-04



0 个回复

  • SAR
    说明:  SAR图像斑点噪声抑制方法与应用研究,里面给出里处理Sar 影像的算法(SAR image speckle noise reduction methods and applied research, which is given to deal with Sar Imaging Algorithm)
    2008-12-04 16:43:54下载
  • Spatial-Modulation
    spaital modulation是08年开始盛行的一种空间调制技术,他相比于v-blast,mrc等方式有了长足的进步。(Spatial modulation (SM) is a recently developedtransmission technique that uses multiple antennas.)
    2012-04-26 12:09:32下载
  • 程序
    求解二维雷诺方程,计算油膜压力分布,针对润滑密封的编程求解(Solve the two-dimensional Reynolds equation, calculate the pressure distribution of oil film, and solve the programming of lubrication seal)
    2018-09-27 22:05:00下载
    本文在分析城市交通信号控制研究现状和交叉口交通信号控制原理、评价方 法的基础上,设计了单交叉口交通信号两级模糊控制系统。分级模糊控制能有效 减少模糊规则数,易于提取模糊规则,适合于交通状况复杂的城市交叉口交通信 号控制。但它存在难以由人工合理定义全部模糊隶属度函数的问题。为此本文进 一步采用遗传算法对两级模糊控制器中模糊隶属度函数进行优化。本文提出的方 法具有分级模糊控制的优点,同时可以使模糊隶属度的选取更为合理,获得更好 的控制效果。对一个四相位单交叉口,利用MATLAB在不同的交通条件下进行 了仿真,并利用交通仿真软件PARAMICS进行了可视化仿真。仿真结果表明该 方法能有效降低通行车辆在交叉口的平均等待时间,明显优于传统控制方法(After analyzing the city-traffic developments,the grade crossings control theory its method of evaluation,the paper designs a traffic signal two-stage fuzzy control tem for single intersection.Two-stage fuzzy controller,which is easy to acquire zy rules and can greatly decrease the number of fuzzy rules,is very suitable to plex urban intersection control.But it still presents a difficulty for deciding all the bership functions correctly only by human experience.Therefor,to solve this blem,a technique using genetic algorithm to modify its fuzzy membership ctions is proposed.This method not only possesses the advantages of hierarchical zy control,but also can change its membership functions adaptively to an optimal ing in different traffic situations as well,and in this way the currency power of the an intersection is improved.For a single urban intersection with four-phase, ulation of different traffic condition is processed by using MATLAB.Moreover, ble simulation is proce)
    2009-12-07 22:30:53下载
  • Worse-is-Better.pdf
    本文通过对LISP语言发展的研究,总结出计算机方面的设计理念。并不是完美的才是最好的,有时候愚蠢的简单的更好。(Based on the LISP language development research, summed up the computer aspects of the design philosophy. Not perfect is the best, and sometimes stupid simple better.)
    2013-10-29 15:19:04下载
  • xiaomuchkeyanjinghua
    小木虫最新科研精华贴,对硕博生有很多的作用,很不错的资料哦(Wooden stick insect essence of the latest research on the role of Shuobo students have a lot of very good information Oh)
    2013-11-13 17:19:49下载
  • c++典型工控应用编程实例
    全面、系统地介绍了工业控制典型应用系统。供自动化、计算机应用等专业学生参考(Typical application systems of industrial control are introduced comprehensively and systematically. For the reference of students majoring in automation and computer application)
    2019-05-27 10:24:07下载
  • Computer-Networking-A-Top-Down-Approach-Featuring
    This is a book which deals with all the concepts of internet.
    2011-09-04 04:53:36下载
  • release.tar
    斯坦福大学计算机系Andrew N.G教授于2011年CVPR发表文章Learning hierarchical spatio-temporal features for action recognition with independent subspace analysis,文件是实现的code,很有用哦(Andrew NG, Professor of the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University published in 2011 CVPR article Learning hierarchical spatio-temporal features for action recognition with independent Sbspaces are analysis, file implementation code very useful oh)
    2012-11-07 06:17:40下载
  • cr0
    提出了一种认知无线网络的异构网络融合的研究方案。该方案采用了具有可重构能力的基站设备和多频段多模式终端设备 , 采用复用的方式来达到多频段变换的目的 , 并最终提高无线资源利用效率。以中间件的方式来实现各种通信模式的融合和切换 , 并设计了基站分布式天线 , 来满足更大的负载或更 高的业务质量需求。建立了一个基于软件无线电的终端系统 , 该终端的优点在于其可以工作在多个频段之上 , 并且可以自适应的工作在多种不同模式的网络中。(cognitive wireless networks in)
    2011-09-17 12:37:11下载
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