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于 2009-07-21 发布 文件大小:547KB
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  OLED DISPLAY MODULE I m using a 160x128 Graphic OLED Display from Densitron (DD-160128FC-2A) with the ATmega1281. The LCD is controlled via a SEPS525 OLED Driver IC. I use the LCD in 8bit parallel mode.  Both the LCD and controller datasheet is VERY vague and I struggle to get the LCD to respond. The OLED controller is configured via 3 registers, IR (Index), WDR (Write Data Register) & RDR (Read Data Register).  It is the first time I come across this register INDEXING method and can t find any examples or discussions on the control sequence. 



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  • optical-fiber-transmission-
    光纤传输特性 衰耗系数 是多模光纤和单模光纤最重要的特性参数之一,在很大程度上决定了多模和单模光纤通信的中继距离(Transmission characteristics of optical fiber attenuation)
    2011-05-17 23:24:45下载
  • DataDemon--time-frequency-analysis-
    DataDemon-时频分析解决方案 随着科技迅速发展,讯号分析处理者面临的是日趋庞大的计算数据量,和越来越复杂的仿真模式。如何缩短开发时间、节省研究经费、又能实现高效能、高弹性的运算平台供后续研究使用便越来越重要。 DynaDx提出DataDemon-时频分析解决方案,以组件组合的设计概念,免除繁杂程序写作方式,提供讯号处理的可视化控制组件,让处理讯号分析的过程就像拼组模型一般,使用者可依据自己的构想去组合出更多元之讯号分析呈现。不再需要从头撰写繁杂的程序代码便能使用各种讯号处理的算法,也不必将时间花在除错、评估程序运行效能,而能专注于研究目标的分析及后续应用的开发上。 (DataDemon-time-frequency analysis solutions With the rapid development of science and technology, signal analysis and processing is increasingly faced by the huge amount of data calculation, and increasingly complex simulation models. How to reduce development time, save research funding, but also to achieve high performance, flexible computing platform for subsequent research use have become increasingly important. DynaDx DataDemon-time frequency analysis proposed solutions to the design concept of component combinations, eliminating the complicated procedures written in a way to provide a visual signal processing control unit, so that the signal processing analysis process as spelled group of models in general, users can be based on their own idea to mix the signal out more element analysis presented. No longer need to write complicated code from scratch, will be able to use a variety of signal processing algorithms, nor do you have time to spend debugging, performance evaluation pro)
    2021-04-04 19:29:04下载
  • Study-of-VSC-HVDC-Controller-
    风电潮流的波动会引起并网系统公共连接点(PCC)电压的波动。在基于电压源换流 器的高压直流输电(VSC-HVDC)交直流混合风电场并网系统中,控制VSC-HVDC 送端站注入 到PCC 点的无功功率可以抑制电压波动。本文讨论了VSC-HVDC 的无功功率控制器和定电压控制 器抑制电压波动的原理。基于电磁暂态软件PSCAD/EMTDC 建立了并网风电场模型、VSC-HVDC 模型及控制系统模型。仿真结果表明VSC-HVDC 采用定电压控制器的并网系统能更好的抑制电 压波动,采用无功功率控制器的系统具有较好的风电场并网性能。(Reactive power variation of integration wind farm may cause point of common coupling (PCC) voltage fluctuation. In hybrid wind farm integration system based on HVDC of voltage source converter (VSC-HVDC), the voltage fluctuation can be alleviated by compensating reactive power to PCC from VSC-HVDC sending end. Therefore, the reactive power controller and the stable voltage controller to alleviate voltage fluctuation are studied in the paper. The integration wind farm, VSC-HVDC and their controller models are set up by PSCAD/EMTDC. The simulation results show that the integration system adopted stable voltage controller has a better performance to alleviate voltage fluctuation. However the system adopted reactive controller has a good wind farm integration capability.)
    2012-03-01 16:09:37下载
  • Answer-true-through-IT-students
    这是一部写给在校计算机专业学生的书 如果没有看到这本书 你可能会茫然无措的度过学习阶段(This is a book written for computer major students If you don t see this book You may be at sea through the learning phase)
    2013-08-05 17:28:15下载
  • LiteratureReview
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  • flying-control-law
    概述了飞行控制律设计的几种主要方法。通过对比自适应飞行控制律和程序调参飞行控制律,总结 了处于飞行控制器设计领域主导地位的程序调参飞行控制律的主要优点和不足,并就程序调参技术在现代飞控领 域的研究现状及其在某先进飞机中的实际应用进行了介绍。最后,针对现代飞机的飞行特点,展望了程序调参飞 行控制律今后可能的发展方向。 (Summarizes the flight control law design of several major method. By comparing the adaptive flight control law and procedure parameters tuning flight control law is summarized The flight controller design field is in the leading position of the program and flight control law of the main advantages and disadvantages, and the process parameters tuning technology in the modern flight control broughtThe research status and domain in some advanced aircraft in the practical application are introduced in this paper. Finally, the modern aircraft s characteristics, and looks forward to the program and fly Line control law could in the future development direction.)
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