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matlab 传感器异步融合仿真程序 data fusion

于 2020-06-25 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 6


说明:  matlab 传感器异步融合仿真程序,目前File Exchange中一共有超过35000个文件,这两天我对这三万多份源代码和模型进行了统计整理,将其中下载量最高的前1000个文件信息及链接,收录到了微信小程序中。(Matlab sensor asynchronous fusion simulation program At present, there are more than 35,000 files in File Exchange. In the past two days, I have compiled and compiled these more than 30,000 source codes and models, and included the information and links of the top 1,000 files with the highest download volume in the WeChat applet.)


data_fusion\EKF_IR.m, 5499 , 2003-06-18
data_fusion\EKF_Radar.m, 5559 , 2003-06-18
data_fusion\source.m, 2118 , 2003-06-19
data_fusion\sourceIR.m, 4050 , 2003-06-17
data_fusion\sourceRadar.m, 4078 , 2009-06-04
data_fusion\程序说明.txt, 215 , 2006-06-05
data_fusion, 0 , 2009-06-16



0 个回复

  • ConsoleApplication1
    C#写的两个简单的小程序,分别用牛顿插值法和三次样条插值法来进行插值。(A program written by C#. It uses Newton Interpolation Method and Spline Interpolation Method )
    2015-12-03 20:23:54下载
  • bubble-dynamic-mesh
    气泡根据内外压力差变化的动网格。。。。。。(bubble dynamic mesh )
    2014-02-10 15:52:37下载
  • _病态线性方程组的求解
    说明:  这是数值分析的一些作业实验,文件中有详细的文档对理论,实验和算法的说明,用于病态方程组求解的源代码(This is the numerical analysis of the experimental operation, the paper detailed documentation of theory, experiment and the algorithm shows that morbid equation for solving the source code)
    2005-11-26 12:21:17下载
  • PQ decomposition method
    说明:  进行PQ分解,计算电力系统潮流的有效方法,应用广泛(PQ decomposition is an effective method for calculating power flow in power system.)
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  • 微分进化法中的其中两个子程序 kk
    说明:  微分进化算法中的其中两个子程序,还有未上传(Differential evolution algorithm)
    2020-06-23 05:00:01下载
  • ntontrust5duowei08
    解无约束优化问题的锥模型拟牛顿信赖域算法。不同与传统的二次模型方法。(A quasi-Newton algorithm based on the simple dogleg method is developed.)
    2009-03-16 14:58:02下载
  • Landweber
    电容层析成像的landweber算法演示程序,并有详细的说明。(The capacitive tomography of the landweber algorithm demonstrates the program and has a detailed description.)
    2020-12-31 09:59:04下载
  • Abaqus+VS+fortran
    abaqus子程序学习资料,欢迎大家下载学习,共同讨论~(ABAQUS subroutine learning materials)
    2018-12-31 18:23:23下载
  • 非线性振动
    非线性振动.pdf 刘延柱编写 恢复力与位移不成正比或阻尼力不与速度一次方成正比的系统的振动。尽管线性振动理论早已相当完善,在工程上也已取得广泛和卓有成效的应用,但在实际问题中,总有一些用线性理论无法解释的现象。一般说,线性模型只适用于小运动范围,起出这一范围,按线性问题处理就不仅在量上会引起较大误差,而且有时还会出现质上的差异,这就促使人们研究非线性振动。(Nonlinear Vibration. Compilation of PDF Liu Yanzhu)
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  • 大多相流程序
    说明:  西交大多相流程序。本程序由西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院 CFD-NHT-EHT 研究中心孙东亮博士开发。本程序的任何部分不得发表。本程序未经作者同意不得用于商业用途。您可以使用该程序或进一步发展该程序。发表任何在该程序基础上开展的工作请引用相关文献(文献在程序包内一并给出)(Most of the phase flow procedures in the West Cross. This procedure was developed by Dr. Sun Dongliang, cfd-nht-eht Research Center, School of energy and power engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University. No part of this procedure may be published. This procedure shall not be used for commercial purposes without the consent of the author. You can use the program or further develop it. Publish any work carried out on the basis of the program, please refer to relevant literature (literature is given in the package))
    2020-06-17 21:57:16下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104432会员总数
  • 16今日下载