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PQ decomposition method

于 2019-04-23 发布
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说明:  进行PQ分解,计算电力系统潮流的有效方法,应用广泛(PQ decomposition is an effective method for calculating power flow in power system.)


PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\bin\Debug\ExtendedMath.dll, 16384 , 2018-01-24
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\bin\Debug\input.txt, 124 , 2018-07-03
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\bin\Debug\output.txt, 10273 , 2019-01-08
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\bin\Debug\PFC_PQ.exe, 39424 , 2018-07-03
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\bin\Debug\PFC_PQ.pdb, 122368 , 2018-07-03
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\bin\Debug\PFC_PQ.vshost.exe, 11600 , 2018-07-03
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\bin\Debug\PFC_PQ.vshost.exe.manifest, 490 , 2017-09-29
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\ExtendedMath.cs, 41962 , 2018-07-02
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\obj\x86\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache, 5879 , 2018-07-03
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\obj\x86\Debug\PFC_PQ.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt, 717 , 2018-07-03
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\obj\x86\Debug\PFC_PQ.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache, 13368 , 2018-01-24
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\obj\x86\Debug\PFC_PQ.exe, 39424 , 2018-07-03
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\obj\x86\Debug\PFC_PQ.pdb, 122368 , 2018-07-03
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\obj\x86\Debug\ResolveAssemblyReference.cache, 11676 , 2018-01-24
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\PFC_PQ.csproj, 2476 , 2018-06-29
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\Program.cs, 66309 , 2018-07-03
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs, 1362 , 2018-01-16
PQ分解法潮流计算\PQ分解法潮流计算.sln, 860 , 2018-01-16
PQ分解法潮流计算\PQ分解法潮流计算.suo, 32256 , 2018-07-04
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\obj\x86\Debug\TempPE, 0 , 2018-01-16
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\obj\x86\Debug, 0 , 2018-07-03
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\bin\Debug, 0 , 2018-07-02
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\bin\Release, 0 , 2018-01-20
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\obj\x86, 0 , 2018-01-24
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\bin, 0 , 2018-01-24
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\obj, 0 , 2018-01-24
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ\Properties, 0 , 2018-01-24
PQ分解法潮流计算\PFC_PQ, 0 , 2018-06-29
PQ分解法潮流计算, 0 , 2018-01-24



0 个回复

  • work
    以上是两个内点法程序,原仿射内点法,对偶仿射内点法。初始内点需要自己给出,自动求解初始内点的程序下次发送(These are the two interior point method procedure, the original affine interior point method, dual affine interior point method. Initial interior point needs its own given the initial interior point solution of automatic procedures to send the next)
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  • 3
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