首页 » Python » Spam


于 2021-03-22 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 0


说明:  使用贝叶斯分类器实现的智能拦截垃圾邮件软件。黑白名单,特别关心,功能齐全,含精美UI界面,可换肤。(Intelligent spam interception software using Bayesian classifier)


.idea, 0 , 2019-09-02
.idea\inspectionProfiles, 0 , 2019-08-27
.idea\inspectionProfiles\profiles_settings.xml, 174 , 2019-08-20
.idea\misc.xml, 303 , 2019-08-29
.idea\modules.xml, 267 , 2019-08-20
.idea\Spam.iml, 506 , 2019-08-29
.idea\workspace.xml, 15760 , 2019-09-02
__pycache__, 0 , 2019-09-02
__pycache__\AddBlackList.cpython-37.pyc, 3721 , 2019-09-02
__pycache__\AddWhiteList.cpython-37.pyc, 3969 , 2019-09-02
__pycache__\BlackList.cpython-37.pyc, 6553 , 2019-09-02
__pycache__\filter2.cpython-37.pyc, 3224 , 2019-08-28
__pycache__\imap.cpython-37.pyc, 7609 , 2019-09-02
__pycache__\Infor.cpython-37.pyc, 2083 , 2019-08-29
__pycache__\Lgmail.cpython-37.pyc, 6840 , 2019-09-02
__pycache__\MainWindow_UI.cpython-37.pyc, 4299 , 2019-08-28
__pycache__\NewSign.cpython-37.pyc, 17137 , 2019-09-02
__pycache__\Normail.cpython-37.pyc, 6875 , 2019-08-29
__pycache__\Setting.cpython-37.pyc, 5105 , 2019-09-02
__pycache__\spamEmail.cpython-37.pyc, 2560 , 2019-08-29
__pycache__\WhiteList.cpython-37.pyc, 7240 , 2019-09-02
AddBlackList.py, 3470 , 2019-09-02
AddWhiteList.py, 3763 , 2019-09-02
black_list.pkl, 6 , 2019-09-02
BlackList.py, 6968 , 2019-09-02
config.ini, 106 , 2019-09-02
extra_list.pkl, 10538 , 2019-09-02
filter2.py, 4049 , 2019-08-28
health_dic.pkl, 45877728 , 2019-08-28
images, 0 , 2019-08-29
images\background1.jpg, 941787 , 2017-10-13
images\background2.jpg, 604656 , 2019-08-28
images\background3.jpg, 1573621 , 2019-08-28
images\checked.png, 13547 , 2019-08-27
images\close.png, 13653 , 2019-08-27
images\graycircle.png, 5075 , 2019-08-29
images\grayclose.png, 10363 , 2019-08-29
images\graymin.png, 4045 , 2019-08-28
images\LOGO.png, 56523 , 2019-08-28
images\redcircle.png, 4832 , 2019-08-29
images\redclose.png, 14361 , 2019-08-27
images\redmin.png, 4015 , 2019-08-28
images\set.png, 15635 , 2019-08-29
images\set1.png, 8529 , 2019-08-29
images\unchecked.png, 8160 , 2019-08-27
imap.py, 12174 , 2019-09-02
Infor.py, 1705 , 2019-08-29
Lgmail.py, 7908 , 2019-09-02
MainWindow_UI.py, 5884 , 2019-08-28
NewSign.py, 23205 , 2019-09-02
NewSign.spec, 881 , 2019-08-23
Normail.py, 7425 , 2019-08-29
normal.txt, 760208 , 2019-08-23
received_mails.pkl, 1556 , 2019-08-27
save_paths.pkl, 63 , 2019-08-29
Setting.py, 7285 , 2019-09-02
spam.txt, 522476 , 2019-08-23
spam_dic.pkl, 5545526 , 2019-08-28
spamEmail.py, 3221 , 2019-08-29
stopWords.txt, 3539 , 2019-08-23
version1.txt, 7328 , 2019-08-21
version2.txt, 6430 , 2019-08-21
white_list.pkl, 6 , 2019-09-02
WhiteList.py, 7748 , 2019-09-02
中文停用词表.txt, 5862 , 2016-04-20



0 个回复

  • Spam
    说明:  使用贝叶斯分类器实现的智能拦截垃圾邮件软件。黑白名单,特别关心,功能齐全,含精美UI界面,可换肤。(Intelligent spam interception software using Bayesian classifier)
    2021-03-22 14:39:16下载
  • Email
    Jmail.dll组件实例:Email 群发VB版.(Jmail.dll component instance: Email Message VB version.)
    2013-07-15 11:11:17下载
  • 84642647
    VB不通过SMTP服务器直接发送邮件,有需要的就下(VB is not directly send mail by SMTP server, is in need)
    2013-07-28 08:09:05下载
  • extmail-1.0.4.tar
    extmail,不错的web界面的开源软件,支持pop3,smtp协议,配合qmail使用,你会看到不一样的效果。(extmail, good web interface, open source software, support pop3, smtp agreement with qmail to use, you)
    2008-06-06 09:19:06下载
  • you
    VB邮件群发程序,群发时可选择这些邮件到右侧,在下面设置邮件主题,下边输入邮件内容,最后点击“发送邮件”按钮就可以。内有配置说明。(VB mail program, mass can choose these messages to the right side, in the following settings to the subject of the message, the following input message content, and finally click send mail button can be. Configuration instructions within. )
    2016-10-03 17:09:20下载
  • javamail
    这个实例实现了构建邮件服务器、简单的E-mail发送、发送附件、带身份验证的E-mail发送、跨代理的E-mail发送、接收E-mail、在Applet中收取E-mail、E-mail口令验证功能 (This example of building a mail server, simply send E-mail, send attachments with authenticated E-mail sent, inter-agency E-mail sending and receiving E-mail, E-mail received in the Applet, E- mail password authentication function)
    2013-12-12 13:57:35下载
  • testmaill
    后台邮件发送源码是一个可以发附件的邮件发送小例子,通常用在软件的异常记录里面,可以把软件产生的log通过邮件+附件的形式发送到开发者指定的邮箱内方便对软件的未知bug进行分析。仅测试过QQ邮箱,其他邮箱没有测试过,不过这样的用户反馈方式也有一个明显的缺陷,直接在程序里面定死邮箱的密码对邮箱安全有一定的威胁,如果应用被人反编译那密码就存在外泄的可能性(Background mail source is a can send e-mail attachments to send a small example, usually with inside the software abnormal records, the log software generated by mail and attachments sent to developer specified mailbox convenient software for unknown bug analysis. Only tested QQ mailbox, mailbox not tested, but such ways of user feedback also has an obvious flaw, directly in the program set die mailbox password the mailbox security is a threat, if your application is anti compile the code exists leakage)
    2016-06-16 16:19:31下载
  • 675846
    email发送页面,精选ios学习编程源码,很好的参考资料。(Email sends the page, select the IOS learning programming source code, a good reference.)
    2013-12-10 10:11:53下载
    用vb.net编写的发送邮件的客户端源代码(using vb.net prepared by the mail client source code)
    2006-08-10 11:02:06下载
  • javamail
    这个实例实现了构建邮件服务器、简单的E-mail发送、发送附件、带身份验证的E-mail发送、跨代理的E-mail发送、接收E-mail、在Applet中收取E-mail、E-mail口令验证功能 (This example of building a mail server, simply send E-mail, send attachments with authenticated E-mail sent, inter-agency E-mail sending and receiving E-mail, E-mail received in the Applet, E- mail password authentication function)
    2013-12-12 13:57:35下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104386会员总数
  • 20今日下载