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于 2013-12-12 发布 文件大小:3581KB
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  这个实例实现了构建邮件服务器、简单的E-mail发送、发送附件、带身份验证的E-mail发送、跨代理的E-mail发送、接收E-mail、在Applet中收取E-mail、E-mail口令验证功能 (This example of building a mail server, simply send E-mail, send attachments with authenticated E-mail sent, inter-agency E-mail sending and receiving E-mail, E-mail received in the Applet, E- mail password authentication function)



0 个回复

  • 软电话开源系统,可运行软件
    软电话或称softphone,是一种通信终端设备,是虚拟电话,向终端用户提供廉价可靠、良好通话质量的语音服务。只要在同一网内,就可以不受限制的进行通话 请点击左侧文件开始预览 !预览只提供20%的代码片段,完整代码需下载后查看 加载中 侵权举报
    2023-07-23 00:25:04下载
  • oejrgps608
    这是一个收发电子邮件的程序,比较简捷,易于学习(This is an E-mail program, a convenient, easy to learn)
    2017-05-30 19:15:41下载
  • youjian
    一款由c++编写的邮件发送程序,界面美观大方,程序经过测试可用(Prepared by the c++ a mailer, elegant interface, the program can be tested)
    2013-06-04 15:24:21下载
  • ftp4j
    ftp4j是一个FTP客户端Java类库,实现了FTP客户端应具有的大部分功能。可以将ftp4j嵌到你的Java应用中,来传输文件(包括上传和下 载),浏览远程FTP服务器上的目录和文件,创建、删除、重命,移动远程目录和文件。ftp4j提供多种方式连接到远程FTP服务器包括:通过 TCP/IP直接连接,通过FTP代理、HTTP代理、SOCKS4/4a代理和SOCKS5代理连接,通过SSL安全连接。(ftp4j an FTP client-side Java class libraries, most of the functionality of the FTP client should have. You can ftp4j embedded in your Java applications, to transfer files (upload and download), browse directories and files on remote FTP server, create, delete, rename, move remote directories and files. ftp4j provide a variety of ways including: direct connection via TCP/IP through the FTP proxy, HTTP proxy SOCKS4/4a proxy and SOCKS5 proxy to connect through SSL secure connection to connect to a remote FTP server.)
    2021-04-22 10:58:49下载
  • sendmail.8.10.0.Beta10.tar
    被广泛使用的发送邮件(SMTP)服务器 (Widely used smtpl server )
    2020-06-26 12:40:01下载
  • mail
    说明:  一个发送邮件的小程序,亲测可用,希望大家喜欢,无毒无后门请放心下载!(a program can send email,safe code please download without coiroisly!)
    2020-06-16 08:40:01下载
  • HFTP
    强大的国产FTP客户端软件,独创的多进程FTP上传下载机制!支持同一时间对多个服务器的不同操作,真正支持网站对传,用两种方式保证网站对传能够顺利完成,真正方便网站管理人员以及FTP下载爱好者.完善的意见反馈机制。(Strong domestic FTP client software, multi- process FTP upload download mechanism originality! Support the same time of different operations on multiple servers, the real support site to pass, with two ways to ensure site on the transfer can be successfully completed, really convenient site management and FTP under load lovers. Perfect feedback mechanism.)
    2013-05-27 14:09:11下载
  • MailRecieve
    说明:  用Visual C++开发的电子邮件接收系统,用于学习用VC开发邮件软件。(Using Visual C++ Developed to receive e-mail system for studying the development of e-mail software with VC.)
    2008-12-03 09:46:45下载
  • 675846
    email发送页面,精选ios学习编程源码,很好的参考资料。(Email sends the page, select the IOS learning programming source code, a good reference.)
    2013-12-10 10:11:53下载
  • hotmail
    这是一个hotmail邮件检查程序。非常之不错。(This is a hotmail mail inspection procedures. Very good.)
    2005-04-30 09:28:56下载
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