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于 2019-11-24 发布
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说明:  最速下降法是迭代法的一种,可以用于求解最小二乘问题(线性和非线性都可以)。在求解机器学习算法的模型参数,即无约束优化问题时,梯度下降(Gradient Descent)是最常采用的方法之一,另一种常用的方法是最小二乘法。在求解损失函数的最小值时,可以通过梯度下降法来一步步的迭代求解,得到最小化的损失函数和模型参数值。反过来,如果我们需要求解损失函数的最大值,这时就需要用梯度上升法来迭代了。在机器学习中,基于基本的梯度下降法发展了两种梯度下降方法,分别为随机梯度下降法和批量梯度下降法。(The steepest descent method is a kind of iterative method, which can be used to solve the least squares problem (both linear and nonlinear). In solving the model parameters of machine learning algorithm, that is, unconstrained optimization, gradient descent is one of the most commonly used methods, and the other is the least square method. When solving the minimum value of loss function, the gradient descent method can be used step by step to get the minimum value of loss function and model parameters. Conversely, if we need to solve the maximum value of the loss function, then we need to use the gradient rise method to iterate. In machine learning, two kinds of ladders are developed based on the basic gradient descent method)


norm1.m, 140 , 2019-09-04
p.m, 726 , 2019-09-03
Untitled4.m, 87 , 2019-09-04
zuisuxiajiangfa.m, 289 , 2019-09-04
d.m, 131 , 2019-09-03
f.m, 142 , 2019-09-03



0 个回复

  • Example_of_edge_detection_edge_linking_and_line_se
    这个matlab程序实现了Edge Linking and Line Segment Fitting,解压后直接运行demo.m就可以了 ( edgelink.m edge linking function that forms lists of connected edge points from a binary edge image. (Needs findendsjunctions and cleanedgelist below). drawedgelist.m plots out a set of edge lists generated by edgelink or lineseg. edgelist2image.m transfers edgelist data back into a 2D image array. lineseg.m forms straight line segments fitted with a specified tolerance to the lists of connected edge points. maxlinedev.m is also used by lineseg.m to calculate deviations of the edge lists from the fitted segments. findendsjunctions.m finds line junctions and endings in a line/edge image. cleanedgelist.m cleans up a set of edge lists generated by edgelink or lineseg so that isolated edges and spurs that are shorter than a minimum length are removed.)
    2010-07-14 12:04:33下载
  • fish
    Fisher线性判别是线性分类算法中最基本的一种算法,其基本思想是将d维空间中的样本投影到一条最易于分类的投影线上,再进行分类。本文将用使用matlab实现Fisher线性判别算法,并给出4种阈值选择的方法。(Fisher Linear Discriminant is a linear classification algorithm as a basic algorithm, its basic idea is to d-dimensional space of the samples are projected onto one of the most easily classified projector online, and then classified. This article will use matlab to achieve Fisher Linear Discriminant algorithm, and gives four kinds of threshold selection method.)
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  • nlopt-
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  • assg1
    Related to image processing
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  • datika
    以matlab为工具利用数字图像处理技术对答题卡进行了识别,并对识别结果进行了处理。注意到答题卡在采集图像的过程中由于各种原因可能会产生图像倾斜、水平或垂直错位,要进行正确识别首先必须对其进行校正,再依据像素检索技术进行识别。(With MATLAB as the tool, the answer card is identified by digital image processing technology, and the recognition results are processed. It is noted that the answer card in the process of collecting images may cause image tilt, horizontal or vertical dislocation for various reasons. To correct recognition, it is necessary to correct it first and then identify it according to the pixel retrieval technique.)
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  • MITmatlab
    麻省理工的matlab课件,包括基础知识及一些例子,相当不错(The ppt from MIT in matlab )
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