首页 » Python » 蒙特卡洛模拟


于 2019-11-04 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 12


说明:  蒙特卡洛编程,含程序代码,代码直接复制即可,还有实例!!!(Monte Carlo programming, including program code.)


resample\bootmed1.prg, 2380 , 2004-04-01
resample\bootmed2.prg, 1654 , 2004-04-01
resample\cardkrug1.prg, 1578 , 2006-09-04
resample\cardkrug2.prg, 1975 , 2004-04-01
resample\mc1mat.prg, 828 , 2004-04-01
resample\mc1ser.prg, 1416 , 2006-09-02
resample\simadf.prg, 6108 , 2006-11-20
resample\_desktop.ini, 9 , 2006-10-01
resample, 0 , 2006-11-20



0 个回复

  • CoordConvert-master
    说明:  基于C#开发的大地坐标转换程序,程序功能包括空间坐标、经纬度坐标的七参数、四参数转换以及高斯投影正反算。(Based on the program of geodetic coordinate transformation developed by C#, the function of the program includes the conversion of seven parameters, four parameters of spatial coordinates, longitude and latitude coordinates, and the forward and backward calculation of Gauss projection.)
    2020-05-13 11:35:23下载
  • C语言课设源码
    学生成绩管理程序设计源代码,文件形式输入输出数据,统计平均分最高分最低分结果写入文件,按学号查询成绩输出至屏幕,打印不合格优等生名单等功能,下载即可用。(Student achievement management program design source code, file form input and output data, statistical average score highest and lowest score results written to the file, according to the school number inquiry results output to the screen, print the list of unqualified top students and other functions, download is available.)
    2019-06-10 23:50:59下载
  • 用Python写奇偶分数求和函数
    说明:  了解基本编程知识,熟悉编程算法,用Python编写奇偶分数求和函数。(Understanding basic programming knowledge, familiar with programming algorithms, using Python to write odd and even fraction summation function.)
    2020-06-23 19:40:01下载
  • yhxie_1
    Many people have contributed to the production of this dissertation, although only my name appears on the cover. Hence, I absolutely owe my gratitude to all those people who encouraged and helped me to nally nish this dissertation. My deepest gratitude is to my advisors, Professor Jing Sun and Professor James S. Freudenberg, at the University of Michigan. Their consistent encouragement and support helped me overcome many challenges and nish this dissertation. I am extremely thankful to Professor Chunting Mi. I spent almost one year in his power electronics lab to build our hybrid power system testbed which has signi cantly contributed to this dissertation. I am also thankful to Professor Ryan Eustice for his constructive comments and suggestions.
    2012-11-28 18:18:40下载
  • ejc1
    增加扰动和时滞的多子系统线性切换系统simulink仿真,只需要改变时滞和扰动大小,稳定性强(Increasing the perturbation and delay of the multi-subsystem linear switching system simulink simulation, only need to change the delay and disturbance size, stability and strong)
    2021-04-25 17:08:46下载
  • control-IdIq
    Control strategies for extracting the three-phase reference currents for shunt active power filters are compared, uating their performance under different source conditions with PI and Fuzzy Controllers in MATLAB/Simulink environment When the supply voltages are balanced and sinusoidal, the two control strategies are converge to the same compensation characteristics However, the supply voltages are distorted and/or un-balanced sinusoidal, these control strategies result in different degrees of compensation in harmonics. The compensation capabilities are not equivalent, with p-q control strategy unable to yield an adequate solution when source voltages are not ideal. Extensive simulations are carried out with PI controller and also with Fuzzy controller for both p-q and id-iq control strategies under different main voltages.
    2015-01-07 08:06:31下载
  • ThinkingCPP
    C++编程思想,同java编程思想一样,是学习c++编程的很好的书籍。(C++ programming ideas, java programming ideas, good learning c++ programming books.)
    2012-07-17 22:28:38下载
  • is_a_graph
    判断一个顶点序列是否可图C++源码,希望对大家有用(To determine whether a vertex sequence diagram C++ source code, in the hope that useful)
    2009-05-09 12:32:34下载
  • text_to_wave
    说明:  文本语音转换VC源代码,作用就是把通过TTS引擎把文本转化为语音输出。(The text-to-speech conversion VC source code is used to convert text to voice output through the TTS engine.)
    2020-04-11 08:53:24下载
  • CSharpInterprocesscommunication
    C#进程间的通信与共享内存,这个特性需要4.0以上的支持,大家在下载查看时需注意。(C# to communicate with the shared memory between processes, this feature requires the support of more than 4.0, we should pay attention to when downloading view.)
    2013-12-23 18:33:34下载
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