首页 » matlab » SpectralSubtration


于 2009-10-14 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  非常简单明了的基本谱减法降噪Matlab实现。 代码内有详细的注释。适合初学者。(An normal spectral subtration algorithm write by matlab.)



0 个回复

  • Control_system_design_xundingyu
    薛定宇 控制系统计算机辅助设计(第二版) 源代码/源程序(On Compensation Control System Computer Aided Design (Second Edition) source code/source)
    2010-05-11 22:48:52下载
  • P1_subsectional2
    method of moment subsection
    2011-08-05 17:36:55下载
  • gaussianfilter
    The noises are one of the research topic in image processing. In digital images removal of gaussian noises using bilateral filter is performd in this file
    2015-02-27 19:45:31下载
  • estimate
    the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)files should be downloaded for the simulation to work.(dls3D.m,estimate.m,get2S1Data.m,getConstraints.m, getImageData.m,getPixelData.m, getSLICYData.m)
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  • earthmap
    用MATLAB实现世界地图的绘制,包括二维、三维等方式以及图片的叠加(Using MATLAB to achieve world map drawing, including the two-dimensional, three-dimensional image of the stack, etc., and)
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  • Skin
    BRC MATLAB code for BRC.fig BRC, by itself, creates a new BRC or raises the existing singleton*. H = BRC returns the handle to a new BRC or the handle to the existing singleton CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local function named CALLBACK in BRC.M with the given input arguments.BRC Property , Value ,...) creates a new BRC or raises the existing singleton.Starting from the left, property value pairs are applied to the GUI before BRC_OpeningFcn gets called.An unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application stop. All inputs are passed to BRC_OpeningFcn via varargin.See GUI Options on GUIDE s Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one.instance to run (singleton)".Edit the above text to modify the response to help.Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
    2011-08-30 17:22:12下载
  • shuangxianxing
    双线性变换法设计Butterworth滤波器。分别画出滤波前和滤波后的时域图和频谱图。(Bilinear transform design Butterworth filter. Draw the pre-filter and the filtered time-domain and frequency spectrum.)
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  • New-Folder
    We have discussed and analyzed the case of no noise uncertainty. Now, considering the case with uncertainty in the noise model [20], the distributional uncertainty of noise can be represented
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  • Runge_Kutta
    此程序是有关用四阶龙格库塔法计算微分方程的程序。(This program is the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to calculate the differential equations of the program.)
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  • GeneradorGumbelM
    to generate number gumbel random (hidrology)
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