首页 » Others » contact-form-css-template


于 2020-06-20 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 1


说明:  Nice template for contact forms using pure CSS


vendor, 0 , 2017-09-02
vendor\FormGuide, 0 , 2017-09-02
vendor\FormGuide\PHPFormValidator, 0 , 2017-09-02
vendor\FormGuide\PHPFormValidator\LICENSE, 1063 , 2017-05-10
vendor\FormGuide\PHPFormValidator\.gitignore, 47 , 2017-05-10
vendor\FormGuide\PHPFormValidator\tests, 0 , 2017-09-02
vendor\FormGuide\PHPFormValidator\src, 0 , 2017-09-02
vendor\FormGuide\PHPFormValidator\src\FormValidator.php, 1652 , 2017-05-10
vendor\FormGuide\PHPFormValidator\src\ValidatorMap.php, 511 , 2017-05-10
vendor\FormGuide\PHPFormValidator\src\FieldValidatorCollection.php, 720 , 2017-05-10
vendor\FormGuide\PHPFormValidator\src\ValidatorsList.php, 612 , 2017-05-10
vendor\FormGuide\PHPFormValidator\src\Validators.php, 4060 , 2017-05-10
vendor\FormGuide\PHPFormValidator\src\FieldValidator.php, 1796 , 2017-05-10
vendor\FormGuide\PHPFormValidator\phpunit.xml, 387 , 2017-05-10
vendor\FormGuide\PHPFormValidator\README.md, 889 , 2017-05-10
vendor\FormGuide\PHPFormValidator\composer.json, 503 , 2017-05-10
vendor\gregwar, 0 , 2017-09-02
vendor\gregwar\captcha, 0 , 2017-09-02
vendor\gregwar\captcha\LICENSE, 1069 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\autoload.php, 442 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\ImageFileHandler.php, 2428 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\.gitignore, 33 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\PhraseBuilderInterface.php, 365 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\Font, 0 , 2017-09-02
vendor\gregwar\captcha\Font\captcha3.ttf, 15976 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\Font\captcha2.ttf, 33984 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\Font\captcha4.ttf, 906980 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\Font\captcha1.ttf, 76232 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\Font\captcha5.ttf, 49724 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\Font\captcha0.ttf, 49224 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\demo, 0 , 2017-09-02
vendor\gregwar\captcha\demo\fingerprint.php, 321 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\demo\index.php, 359 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\demo\demo.php, 311 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\demo\output.php, 326 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\demo\ocr.php, 850 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\.travis.yml, 129 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\README.md, 3498 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\CaptchaBuilderInterface.php, 466 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\composer.json, 677 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\CaptchaBuilder.php, 18603 , 2017-04-19
vendor\gregwar\captcha\PhraseBuilder.php, 685 , 2017-04-19
vendor\autoload.php, 178 , 2017-08-30
vendor\phpmailer, 0 , 2017-09-02
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer, 0 , 2017-09-02
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\get_oauth_token.php, 5036 , 2017-08-28
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\language, 0 , 2017-09-02
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\LICENSE, 26421 , 2017-08-28
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\PHPMailerAutoload.php, 1689 , 2017-08-28
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\examples, 0 , 2017-09-02
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\class.phpmailer.php, 146904 , 2017-08-28
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\composer.lock, 128969 , 2017-08-28
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\.github, 0 , 2017-09-02
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\.github\ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md, 168 , 2017-08-28
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\.github\PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md, 168 , 2017-08-28
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\class.phpmaileroauthgoogle.php, 2464 , 2017-08-28
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\class.pop3.php, 11006 , 2017-08-28
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\class.smtp.php, 43495 , 2017-08-28
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\class.phpmaileroauth.php, 7216 , 2017-08-28
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\extras, 0 , 2017-09-02
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\extras\ntlm_sasl_client.php, 6651 , 2017-08-28
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\extras\htmlfilter.php, 39267 , 2017-08-28
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\extras\EasyPeasyICS.php, 4062 , 2017-08-28
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\extras\README.md, 1636 , 2017-08-28
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\composer.json, 1885 , 2017-08-28
vendor\phpmailer\phpmailer\VERSION, 7 , 2017-08-28
vendor\composer, 0 , 2017-09-02
vendor\composer\ClassLoader.php, 13451 , 2017-08-30
vendor\composer\LICENSE, 1070 , 2017-08-30
vendor\composer\autoload_real.php, 1762 , 2017-08-30
vendor\composer\autoload_namespaces.php, 149 , 2017-08-30
vendor\composer\autoload_classmap.php, 804 , 2017-08-30
vendor\composer\installed.json, 5862 , 2017-08-30
vendor\composer\autoload_psr4.php, 360 , 2017-08-30
vendor\composer\autoload_static.php, 2095 , 2017-08-30
src, 0 , 2017-09-02
src\index.php, 77 , 2017-08-29
src\FormHandler.php, 5743 , 2017-08-29
src\ReCaptchaValidator.php, 836 , 2017-08-29
formpage.html, 2089 , 2017-09-02
handler.php, 545 , 2017-09-02
form.css, 3233 , 2017-09-02
form.js, 1674 , 2017-09-02
images\sun-2297961_1920.jpg, 561393 , 2017-08-01
LICENSE, 1063 , 2017-08-02
readme.html, 1675 , 2017-09-02



0 个回复

  • 使用 MVC 和JQuery 分级数据钻取
    利用具有 Razor View Engine  和JQuery 的微软 Model-View-Controller,可以轻松开发网页应用的分级数据钻取。 翻译 maninwest@Codeforge  作者:Pinakpani Dey @ Codeproject 简介 相信你一定遇到过多次这样的情况,你的应用需要以表格形式向用户展示分级数据,让用户钻取数据了解详情。用户喜欢用表格形式的分析数据,而愿意在不同的页面中跳转。 为了实现表格数据的钻取功能,你得花费大量时间开发或者花钱去购买第三方工具。微软的 Model-View-Controller 具有Razor View Engine 和 JQuery ,几分钟就可完成钻取表格数据。 本文将向你介绍如何创建 MVC 应用来钻取表格数据。请注意,我主要专注于功能性而非美观性。在此演示中,我将使用学生对象获取学生信息。学生Student 对象将包含课程Course 对象进行课程描述 创建 MVC 4 网页应用 使用Visual Studio 2012 创建带 MV4 网页应用的新项目。选择Internet 或 Intranet 应用模板。我选择了Internet 应用模板。确保在View Engine 中选择了Razor 。 默认情况下,Visual Studio 将为控制器、模型和视图创建多个文件。在此演示中,我们将修改应用的登录页面。换言之,我们将使用 Index.cshtml 视图显示学生数据。 首先是整理、打开 Index.cshtml 并删除所有代码行并保存文件。我们随后将使用我们的代码更新。 向项目添加JQuery 脚本
    2022-06-14 06:33:09下载
  • yurenmatou
    精美的个人网页模板,有完整的文件,可以自己进行修改,展现个性。(Beautiful personal Web page templates, a complete file, can themselves be modified to show personality.)
    2011-09-25 00:27:04下载
  • 钓鱼HTML5
    应用背景HTML5源学习HTML5是一个很好的例子。 ;关键技术捕鱼达人是一个非常流行的游戏,你可以学习下。........,并;
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    面向对象、设计模式与性能 有些C/C++开发者有些奇怪的观念。他们认为使用面向对象和设计模式会降低程序的性能。但V8证明了这种观念是错误的。V8的实现使用了许多设计模式,但依然非常高效。 下面列出V8中使用的两个模式: 工厂模式 当Javascript引擎执行一个脚本时,引擎为遇到的每个变量、函数或数组都创建一个实例。JSObject是所有这些对象的父对象(Object oriented, design patterns and performance Some C/C++ developers have some strange ideas. They believe that the use of object-oriented and design patterns will reduce the performance of the program. But V8 proved that this idea is wrong. V8 implementation uses a number of design patterns, but still very efficient. The following lists the two models used in V8: Factory mode When a Javascript engine s a script, the engine creates an instance of each variable, function, or array encountered by the engine. JSObject is the parent of all of these objects.)
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  • estore1
    本系统实现电子购物,分为客户、商品、订单、定单四个模块.并实现客户的登陆注册功能,该系统成功运行于windows 环境,前台采用MVC设计模式, 使用javaBean实现了Model层的业务逻辑和数据读取,在 View层运用了JSTL核心标签, 在Controller层运用了Servlet。(This system is divided into electronic shopping, customers, goods, orders, orders four modules. And realize the login registration function of customers, the successful operation of the system in the windows environment, the use of MVC design pattern, using the javaBean implementation of the Model layer, business logic and data read in the View layer using JSTL core tags, Servlet is used in the Controller layer.)
    2017-10-21 17:35:31下载
  • blog_swan_ymgbko9h
    1427105985利用php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的计数统计,qita短网址(MYSQL高负载版) v1.1,qita短网址SQLITE版发布后,得到大量网友的支持。,参考学习应运于开发实践不错的77795例子(1427105985 use php to achieve , which is a scripting language used to write php counting statistics , qita short URL (MYSQL high load version ) v1.1, after a short URL qita SQLITE release, supported by a large number of users.)
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  • ADDA
    根据两路模拟电压信号控制输出电压模拟信号(According to the two analog voltage signal control the output voltage analog signal)
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    拖 — — 放照片标注器: 背板绘图机 (数据库): 该数据库中包括的两个表 1) photo: pictureid 文件夹的路径 2) tags Tag_id 请点击左侧文件开始预览 !预览只提供20%的代码片段,完整代码需下载后查看 加载中 侵权举报
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    关于ARM7TDMI简体中文版的介绍,要对于想掌握ARM的人来说是一个很好的学习材料(on ARM7TDMI English version of the briefing, To those who want to master the ARM is a good learning materials)
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