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于 2020-08-23 发布
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说明:  3维hashin失效准则~复合材料层合板(3-D Hashin Failure Criterion ~Composite Laminates)


3d.for, 6048 , 2019-04-08



0 个回复

  • usermat_CDM
    说明:  These composite materials generally exhibit brittle damage behavior. The anisotropy in the material and different kinds of failure mechanisms make it difficult to accurately characterize the behavior of composite materials. The present work aims to verify and apply the Puck Failure Criteria using the commercially available finite element package ANSYS by writing a user-material subroutine in FORTRAN. The model is implemented with different post failure degradation schemes EWM/CSE.
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  • 光伏仿型和MPPT和BOOST
    光伏仿真模型和boost-buck模型,适合做微网或者交直流微网的学者研究(Photovoltaic simulation models and boost-buck models are suitable for microgrid or AC-DC microgrid researchers.)
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  • wave simulation
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  • kong
    说明:  在 Carsim 中分别搭建好前车与后车的车辆纵向动力学 模型。雷达系统将探测到的后车信息和前车信息传递给行车 间距控制系统,此控制系统根据安全距离模型计算出后车车 辆期望加速度,此期望加速度经过 PID 控制器调节后,输入 给车辆动力学系统,车辆动力学系统基于此加速度输出期望 的制动压力和节气门开度,并将此值传给制动及节气门控制 系统,此系统输出相应的制动力及节气门开度给后车动力学 系统,进行制动及加速控制。(The vehicle longitudinal dynamics of the front car and the rear car were built respectively in Carsim Model.The radar system transmits the information of the vehicle behind and the vehicle in front to the vehicle Spacing control system, this control system according to the safe distance model to calculate the rear car Vehicle expected acceleration, the expected acceleration after PID controller adjustment, input Given to the vehicle dynamics system, the vehicle dynamics system is based on this acceleration output expectation Brake pressure and throttle opening, and pass this value to brake and throttle control System, which outputs the corresponding braking force and throttle opening to the rear car dynamics System for braking and acceleration control.)
    2021-03-19 11:09:19下载
  • UMMDp180718
    新的屈服准则ABAQUS子程序UMAT,含有多种较新的准侧,能很好运用(The new yield criterion ABAQUS subroutine UMAT contains a variety of newer standards and can be used very well.)
    2021-03-22 21:19:16下载
  • 李雅普诺夫稳定性分析
    说明:  李雅普诺夫稳定性分析,包含几种典型案例,供参考。(Lyapunov stability analysis, Contains several typical cases, For your reference)
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  • vensim
    发源于美国麻省理工学院的Vensim软件,是由Ventana公司开发,在全球和国内获得最广泛使用系统动力学建模软件。它具有图形化的建模方法,除具有一般的模型模拟功能外,还具有复合模拟、数组变量、真实性检验、灵敏性测试、模型最优化等强大功能。Vensim有Vensim PLE, PLE Plus, Professional和DSS版本,适合不同的用户。(Vensim software, originated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was developed by Ventana company, and has gained the most extensive use of system dynamics modeling software both globally and domestically. It has graphical modeling methods. Besides the general model simulation function, it also has many powerful functions such as compound simulation, array variables, authenticity test, sensitivity test, model optimization, and so on. Vensim has Vensim, PLE, PLE, Plus, Professional, and DSS versions for different users.)
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