首页 » PSCAD » InstantRig+v1.52+for+3ds+Max+2014+-+2019


于 2018-11-21 发布 文件大小:490KB
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  tkaelaortm anjswlms skeh ahfma


InstantRig v1.52 for 3ds Max 2014 - 2019\iRig_1.52.mzp, 503948 , 2018-09-28
InstantRig v1.52 for 3ds Max 2014 - 2019\MG教程网.url, 120 , 2017-09-18
InstantRig v1.52 for 3ds Max 2014 - 2019\安装步骤.txt, 318 , 2018-09-29
InstantRig v1.52 for 3ds Max 2014 - 2019\龋齿一号GFXCamp.url, 122 , 2014-02-12
InstantRig v1.52 for 3ds Max 2014 - 2019\龋齿一号GFXCamp淘宝店.url, 127 , 2017-07-14
InstantRig v1.52 for 3ds Max 2014 - 2019, 0 , 2018-09-29



0 个回复

  • 分割代码
    本人最近正在研究三维点云库pcl,可以说三位点云图像处理未来的应用前景非常广阔,因此愿意与各位感兴趣的朋友一起探讨.此程序是本人最近最近感兴趣的三维点云分割程序,通过区域增长算法将三维点云实现较好分割。源程序来自POINT CLOUD LIBRARY外文官方网站,运行此程序需提前配置好pcl点云库。(I was recently on the 3D point cloud library PCL, it can be said that the three sites of cloud image processing application prospect is very broad, so are willing to share with you interested friends to explore. This program is a 3D point cloud I recently interested in the segmentation process, through the regional growth algorithm will achieve better segmentation of 3D point cloud. The source program comes from POINT CLOUD LIBRARY foreign language official website, running this program need to configure the PCL point cloud Library in advance)
    2017-11-02 11:50:13下载
  • 3DEC4.1完全破解
    3dec4.1软件完全破解版,仅供大家参考学习,请勿用作商业用途。(3dec4.1 software completely cracked version, for your reference only, do not use for commercial purposes)
    2019-03-17 18:52:12下载
  • asw
    立体匹配 asw算法实现 立体匹配经典局部算法(adapsive support weight algrithom)
    2013-10-11 08:14:52下载
  • FDBPM_3D
    这是一个简单的3D光束图像的显示,用于描绘其射线传播过程(This is a simple 3D beam image used to describe the ray propagation)
    2021-03-25 15:49:14下载
  • PCL体素栅格滤波器
    说明:  基于PCL的点云滤波中的体素栅格滤波算法,将点云数量过于庞杂的点云文件进行简化但保留其特征,减少后续处理的计算量(PCL VoxelGrid filter)
    2020-09-18 09:27:55下载
  • 任意平面的裁切0.2
    说明:  基于vtk的三维重构与裁切: 1.16位非压缩位图的读取与设置. 2.图像数据载入映射器 3.裁切平面的设置 4.边界的设置与显示 5.三维重构 注:需安装vtk4.0以上版本(It s about 3D reconstruct and clip based on VTK including reading and configration of 16 bits non_contracted bitmaps,the mapper for image data loading, configration of plane for clip,configration and display of borders and 3D reconstruct.(PS:VTK 4.0 or above version is needed))
    2005-09-23 10:04:58下载
  • UE4FirstPersonVRTemplate
    unreal engine 4的虚拟现实模板,用UE4.5版本实现,并供大家参考,且亲测可以使用,无密码。(Engine unreal 4 virtual reality template, with the UE4.5 version to achieve, and for your reference, and pro test can be used, no password.)
    2015-10-20 20:53:06下载
  • 3D_ICP-master
    3D点云拼接 ICP算法;可以实现出来 ;斯坦福的兔子点云数据(3D point cloud splicing ICP algorithm)
    2018-10-13 21:29:08下载
  • Airy_pro
    该程序为立体空间内艾里光束的传播,使用角谱传播定理(The program for the Airy beam propagation in three-dimensional space, using the angular spectrum propagation theorem)
    2021-04-19 20:08:50下载
  • 3
    说明:  利用VTK实现的一个可以不停旋转的球体,不需要交互(VTK can be used to achieve a continuously rotating sphere, does not require interactivity)
    2009-12-26 15:35:47下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104569会员总数
  • 24今日下载