这是一个3维8节点计算弹性力学有限元的MATLAB程序: 1) 生成网格的程序,可以更改模型尺寸、单元数量等参数;2)可以 计算刚度矩阵、位移、应力等,并将结果保存;3)可以后处理程序显示结果;(This is a 3-D 8-node MATLAB program for calculating finite element of elasticity:1) mesh generation program, which can change the size of the model, the number of elements and other parameters; 2) stiffness matrix, displacement, stress and so on can be calculated, and the results can be saved; 3) the results can be displayed by post-processing program.)
2.fig, 111566 , 2017-03-10
BlackBoard.m, 89 , 2017-03-03
board.m, 1602 , 2017-03-04
board2.m, 2229 , 2017-03-04
board3.m, 11667 , 2017-03-04
BoundaryConditions.m, 134 , 2017-03-02
DefineEigenstrain.m, 2627 , 2017-03-15
ElemsFind_eigenstrain.m, 139 , 2017-03-02
ForceBC.m, 1076 , 2017-03-05
ForceBC_topSurface.m, 1551 , 2017-03-02
main.m, 182 , 2017-03-02
Mesh.m, 5977 , 2017-03-10
MeshData.mat, 419 , 2017-03-10
nodesFind_LeftSides.m, 1393 , 2017-03-02
nodesFind_RightSides.m, 1419 , 2017-03-05
nodesFind_TopSurface.m, 1393 , 2017-03-02
nodesFind_TopSurfaceCenter.m, 2867 , 2017-03-02
Post_processing.m, 2314 , 2017-03-05
results.mat, 2288 , 2017-03-10
RunFiniteElement.m, 12530 , 2017-03-10
untitled.fig, 771778 , 2017-03-02
untitled.tif, 1347429 , 2017-03-03
ZeroBC.m, 3710 , 2017-03-10
说明-2.txt, 46 , 2017-03-30
说明.txt, 947 , 2017-03-02