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于 2011-07-20 发布 文件大小:13422KB
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  在VS2005环境下,使用CUDA编程实现SAR成像中CSA算法的实现,得到了很好的加速比。(In the VS2005 environment, using the CUDA programming SAR imaging algorithm implementation in the CSA, has been very good speedup.)


CUDA-SAR imaging CSA
....................\CUDA-SAR imaging CSA.pdf,1302678,2011-07-20



0 个回复

  • atjjs
    埃特金加速法,一个数值分析中的算法,大家先看看哦(Aitken acceleration method, a numerical analysis of the algorithm, we look at the flash open her cloak)
    2007-06-18 10:34:17下载
  • practice6_17
    用矩阵法求定积分1/(1+x^2)dx,区间是(-4,4)(Definite Integral Matrix Method)
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  • Gauss-Projection
    一个通过高斯正反算公式计算高斯投影后投影平面的二维坐标,也可通过坐标反算大地经纬度。提供54系,西安80系,WGS-84系和CGCS2000系四种椭球参数。(A positive and negative Gaussian Formulas to calculate the two-dimensional coordinates of the Gauss projection projection plane can also be computed from coordinates latitude and longitude of the earth. 54 Department of the the Xi' an 80 series, WGS-84 system and CGCS2000 Department of four oval ball parameters.)
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  • CPPsimplex
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  • Project10
    采用数值分析课程中的插值逼近以及曲面拟合方法来估算复杂的函数表达式。(Interpolation approximations and surface fitting methods are used in the numerical analysis course to estimate complex function expressions.)
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  • KMP-string-match
    编写一个使用KMP算法的字符串匹配程序。 使用方法:字符串匹配.exe -f xxx.txt -s xxx -f 指定要查找的文件 -s 指定要查找的字符串(Writing a string matching algorithm using KMP program. How to use: string matching exe-f xxx.txt-s xxx-f to specify the file you want to find-s to specify the search string)
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