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于 2020-06-29 发布 文件大小:1139KB
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  完整的模式识别库,包括矩阵运算,各种模式识别算法,如K均值、SVM、RVM、NN、LDA等(Complete pattern recognition library, including matrix computation, a variety of pattern recognition algorithms, such as K-means, SVM, RVM, NN, LDA, etc.)





0 个回复

  • nark4
    自己编写的变步长龙格库塔方法解强非线性微分方程(their preparation variable step Changlong lattice-Kutta method to solve nonlinear differential equations)
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  • matlab常微分方程
    对常微分方程进行数值解的matlab函数(Matlab function for numerical solution of ordinary differential equation)
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  • areaofcircle
    一圆形游泳池如图所示,现在需在其周围建一圆形过道,并在其四周围上栅栏。 栅栏价格为35元/米,过道造价为20元/平方米。 过道宽度为3米, 游泳池半径由键盘输入。 要求编程计算并输出过道和栅栏的造价。(A circular pool as shown in figure, now in its built around to a circular corridor, and in its 4 around on the fence. The fence for 35 yuan/m price, corridor cost for 20 yuan/square metre. Aisle width is 3 meters, The radius of the swimming pool by keyboard input. Demand and output programming calculation of corridor and the cost of the fence. )
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  • Montecarlo_SNR
    用牛顿迭代法估计正弦信号的幅度,相位,频率,选用多次montecalor算法估计参数均值,并与理论上参数估计的CRLB下限进行比较。(Newton iterative method estimates the sinusoidal signal amplitude, phase, frequency, use multiple montecalor algorithm to estimate the parameters mean, and with the theoretical limit of parameter estimation CRLB compare.)
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  • 值分析(超清晰版)
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