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于 2016-08-08 发布 文件大小:3433KB
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  android五子棋游戏,实现了人机对战,人机的智商还不错(android backgammon game to achieve the man-machine war, human IQ is not bad)



0 个回复

  • wuziqi
    五子棋程序设计,设计方式步骤详尽解释,适合初学者,让你熟悉C语言(Backgammon program design, design approach procedure detailed explanation, suitable for beginners, so you are familiar with the C language)
    2013-08-13 10:31:30下载
  • FivesChess
    由于五子棋比一字棋难,规则多,又有禁手限制,无法采用简单的搜索和加分方式。 为了分清各种情况的轻重缓急,我们采用一次性打分的策略: 对棋盘上的每个空位根据情况的轻重缓急,越重越争分越高,反之越低,然后根据打分找出分值最高的的位置下子。(Since backgammon difficult than the word chess, rules and more restrictions have cut hand, you can not use a simple search and processing of ways. In order to prioritize a variety of situations, we use a one-time scoring strategy: for each vacancy on the board in accordance with the priorities of the situation, the more weight the more indisputable points higher, whereas the lower, and then find the highest score according to the scoring Location erupted.)
    2014-03-28 15:51:59下载
  • sdk_dfj
    说明:  一个用SDK写的打飞机游戏 对学SDK很有帮助(an SDK with the aircraft was made to learn the game SDK helpful)
    2006-03-29 22:17:14下载
  • gobang
    五子棋人机对战,有悔棋功能,判断输赢,欢迎同学们交流学习(Gobang man-machine to war, have the Undo function, determine the winners and losers, welcome the exchange of learning)
    2015-03-25 16:11:22下载
  • wuziqi_wcf
    这是一个基于WCF的五子棋软件,是我在公司实习的时候,学习WCF时,做的一个案例,仅供WCF的初学者参考。(This is a WCF-based backgammon software, is when my internship, learning WCF, made ​ ​ a case for WCF reference for beginners.)
    2020-07-03 06:00:01下载
  • FiveChess
    一个自己写的五子棋程序。包括人机和双人对战。(Renju program. Including the man-machine and two against.)
    2012-02-28 12:39:34下载
  • gvfsnakeMATLAB
    中医学是我国传统文化的瑰宝。舌诊是中医临床进行辨证论治过程中的一‘个 重要程序,其临床应用价值及理论意义得到古今医学家及不少国外医学家的充分 肯定。临床上对于各种疾病,往往结合辨舌来决定诊断和治疗,是中医诊治疾病 的特色之一,为历代医家所重视。(In traditional Chinese mescal diagnosis,tongue diagnosis is important parts)
    2020-08-17 14:08:22下载
  • fangkuai
    说明:   俄罗斯方块 实现三个部分:图形,变形和主程序。图形部分设计八个主要的图形用于将来的产生。变形主要设计实现各种图形的变换以及快速向下。主程序实现所需的各种初始化以及在运行过程中的音乐,分数变化等等。 (Russian box to achieve three parts: graphics, deformation and the main program. Eight major graphics design graphics for future generation. Deformation of the major design change to achieve a variety of graphics, as well as rapid downward. Required to achieve the main program to initialize and run in the process of music, scores of changes and so on.)
    2008-09-15 21:21:23下载
    Very Simple Chinese Chess Program
    2011-10-14 00:17:02下载
  • wuziqi
    java五子棋程序源代码实现重新开始 自动判断输赢(backgammon java source code to achieve re-start automatically determine the winners and losers)
    2009-12-19 10:28:51下载
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