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于 2008-09-15 发布 文件大小:51KB
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说明:   俄罗斯方块 实现三个部分:图形,变形和主程序。图形部分设计八个主要的图形用于将来的产生。变形主要设计实现各种图形的变换以及快速向下。主程序实现所需的各种初始化以及在运行过程中的音乐,分数变化等等。 (Russian box to achieve three parts: graphics, deformation and the main program. Eight major graphics design graphics for future generation. Deformation of the major design change to achieve a variety of graphics, as well as rapid downward. Required to achieve the main program to initialize and run in the process of music, scores of changes and so on.)



0 个回复

  • 00
    说明:  MFC中五子棋的设置,有界面,可以应用。谢谢(MFC in the backgammon set, there are interfaces that can be applied. Thank you)
    2011-05-06 19:12:41下载
  • RobboLito_0085g3_w32
    国象RobboLito,等级分过3000的引擎,(RobboLito for Windows RobboLito is a UCI chess playing engine authors: Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin, Igor Igorovich Igoronov, Roberto Pescatore copyright: (C) 2009 Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin date: 92th year from Revolution owners: PUBLICDOMAIN (workers) dedication: To Vladimir Ilyich RobboLito is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. RobboLito is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program if not write to: Free Software Foundation Inc. 59 Temple Place Suite 330 Boston MA 02111-1307 USA or visit: http://www.gnu.org/)
    2010-07-21 19:38:10下载
  • 五子
    五子棋源代码,采用c++编译开发。。。。。。。。(Gobang source code,Compile and develop using c++.)
    2018-10-04 16:43:25下载
  • Connect4
    alpha-Beta剪枝实现的重力四子棋 包括界面 以及 AI(alpha-Beta pruning to achieve the gravity moves, including four sub-interface and AI)
    2021-04-27 22:48:44下载
  • shoujixiangqi
    说明:  象棋手机游戏部分源码 象棋手机游戏部分源码(Chess mobile phone game chess game part of part of source code)
    2008-09-19 11:02:37下载
  • EJXQ
    人机象棋也可以人人对战,有一份管理象棋走法策略的类(Man-machine chess can play against everyone, the class of the chess moves of a management strategy)
    2012-06-07 17:24:08下载
  • lianliankan
    连连看的源代码,好东西啊,很好的东西啊,大家下啊(Lianliankan the source code, a good thing, ah, ah good things, everyone under the ah)
    2008-04-29 16:52:39下载
  • card14
    说明:   一个翻纸牌的休闲小游戏。纸牌 14点(turned a small leisure poker games. Poker 14:)
    2006-01-03 08:32:45下载
  • fivecheer
    网络版本的五子棋.支持聊天,支持20桌同时进行游戏.(network version of the 331. Chat support, the support of 20 tables simultaneously game.)
    2007-06-07 15:25:20下载
  • Amazon-chess-game
    亚马逊棋人机博弈代码,界面美观,满足深层搜索。(Amazon chess game code, beautiful interface, meet the deep search.)
    2020-11-16 09:49:40下载
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