- 2022-03-24 12:42:20下载
- 积分:1
非常好用的代码比较工具,可以与CVS等版本管理软件一起使用-The code is very easy to use comparison tools, such as with the CVS version management software used in conjunction
- 2022-05-05 10:42:13下载
- 积分:1
用递归求出二叉树的深度-derived using recursive depth of the binary tree
- 2022-11-12 13:20:04下载
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次同步振荡,论文对同步发电机建模,串补建模,信号测试法都有较清晰的说明。(Subsynchronous oscillation, the paper has clear explanation for synchronous generator modeling, series compensation modeling and signal test method.)
- 2018-06-04 20:40:43下载
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For Viterbi decoding in wimax, you can adjust your signal to noise ratio, the si...
适用于wimax的维特比译码,可以自己调整信噪比,通过仿真选择合适的信道编码-For Viterbi decoding in wimax, you can adjust your signal to noise ratio, the simulation select the appropriate channel coding
- 2022-02-05 13:51:03下载
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说明: 红外光谱会发生基线偏离,用多项式拟合方法可以消除基线偏离。(Infrared Spectrum Baseline Correction)
- 2020-06-21 12:20:02下载
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计算钢筋混凝土梁弯矩曲率关系,并输出钢筋混凝土梁弯矩关系图(calucate the M-u relationship of reinforecd concrete structure)
- 2020-07-13 15:08:51下载
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利用博弈论堆微电网规划,求出风光储能容量(Based on game theory, microgrid capacity planning is realized)
- 2021-03-26 01:39:14下载
- 积分:1
ARM 指令集, 翻译:寒蝉退士,
ARM 指令集, 翻译:寒蝉退士,
译者声明:译者对文档的内容做了订正和改动,译者对文档不做任何形式的担保并且不承担任何责任,译者对文档不拥有任何权利并且不负担任何义务。-ARM instruction set, translation: chilling back with disabilities, translator statement: translator for the content of the document and make the revised changes, the translator of the document to make any form of guarantee and does not assume any responsibility, the translator of the document does not possess any rights and do not bear any obligation.
- 2022-09-22 10:25:03下载
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周立功的7289功能在这里了,有点是程序来的,你们给点意见吧,多谢了-ZHOU Li-gong in the 7289 feature here, a bit is the procedure, you to point it, I would like to thank the
- 2023-04-07 16:10:04下载
- 积分:1