kalman的经典介绍文章,附带文章中实际例子的原程序.(kalman introduction of the classic article, with practical examples in the article)
- 2008-03-26 16:54:08下载
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The Condition Monitoring of Fluid-Filled Taped Cables Employed
in Underground Transmission Through Dissolved Gas Analysis
- 2013-10-15 13:41:19下载
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说明: 面向主动服务模式的政务智能系统框架研究,很好的东西,请您审一下,(active service-oriented model of the Chief Intelligence Framework, the good things you about the trial, huh)
- 2006-03-22 22:32:44下载
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这是关于3G的一些文章,都是硕士论文,费了好大的劲才找到的,希望对需要的人有用(This is the number of articles on the 3G, are master' s thesis, take a great find for Jin Cai, and hope to those who need it useful to)
- 2010-03-09 12:41:01下载
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基于稀疏分解的宽带信号DOA估计方法,使用了基于贝叶斯的方法具有良好的估计精度和分辨率(Wideband signal sparse decomposition DOA estimation method based on the use of a method based on Bayesian estimation has good accuracy and resolution)
- 2014-09-26 21:25:20下载
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itroduce tgh sensors and config it
- 2016-10-11 16:44:35下载
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传感器网络由大量能量有限的微型传感器节点组成.因此,如何保证在足够覆盖监测区域的同时延长网络的寿命,是一个需要解决的重要问题.为了达到这一目标,一种广泛采用的策略是选出部分能够足够覆盖监测区域的节点作为工作节点,同时关闭其他冗余节点.提出了一个数学模型,使得只要已知监测范围和节点感知半径的比值,就可以计算出达到服务质量期望所需要的节点数量.需要指出的是:与大部分研究覆盖的文献不同,该研究不基于节点的位置信息,因此可以极大地降低硬件成本,并且减少节点获得和维护位置信息的开销.模拟实验结果表明:在随机部署条件下,服务质量期望与实验所得到的实际覆盖度的误差不大于服务质量期望的2% 而对于相同的服务质量期望和实际覆盖度,计算所得的工作节点数量与实验所得的工作节点数量的误差小于计算数量的5%,这表明推导出的节点数量与服务质量期望之间的关系与模拟实验的结果相吻合.该结果可以广泛应用于传感器网络的节点部署、拓扑控制等领域中.()
- 2008-03-22 23:09:53下载
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Serial Flash for External Bootloader storage
- 2009-12-01 14:40:06下载
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lid driven flow
Lbm用于模拟顶盖驱动流 强制对流 碰撞迁移过程(LBM for lid driven flow)
- 2021-03-31 22:39:08下载
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I m using a 160x128 Graphic OLED Display from Densitron (DD-160128FC-2A) with the ATmega1281. The LCD is controlled via a SEPS525 OLED Driver IC. I use the LCD in 8bit parallel mode.
Both the LCD and controller datasheet is VERY vague and I struggle to get the LCD to respond.
The OLED controller is configured via 3 registers, IR (Index), WDR (Write Data Register) & RDR (Read Data Register).
It is the first time I come across this register INDEXING method and can t find any examples or discussions on the control sequence.
- 2009-07-21 13:43:58下载
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