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于 2016-05-24 发布 文件大小:259KB
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  花卉苗圃类网页模板,该模板经过W3C验证,符合web2.0标准。(Flowers, nursery stock category page template, the template is W3C validated in line with web2.0 standards.)



0 个回复

  • Video-on-demand-system
    asp版本的视频点播系统,可以作为毕业设计参考。(asp version of the video-on-demand system that can serve as a graduation design reference.)
    2013-08-09 10:42:36下载
  • Applied-Markov-Decision-Processes
    本书从简单的例子开始 ,介绍了马尔可夫决策过程的基本概念、决策过程以及一些常用 的基本理论 .还介绍了多种最优准则 , 包括有限阶段准则、折扣准则、平均准则、权重报酬准 则、概率准则等 .从模型角度考虑了有限状态空间、可数状态空间和一般 Borel 状态空间 从 决策时间上来说 , 考虑了离散时间、连续时间和半马氏决策时刻问题 .本文还介绍了大量的应 用实例以及建模方法 .本书可作为高年级大学生和研究生教材 , 也可作为运筹学、管理科学、 信息科学、系统科学以及计算机科学和工程领域的学者和技术人员的参考书 . (From the simple example of this book introduces the basic concepts of Markov decision processes, and decision-making process as well as some common basic theory also describes the various optimal criteria, including criteria for limited stage, discounted, average criteria weights remuneration The guidelines, such as the probability criterion from the point of view of the finite state model space countable state space and general Borel state space from the decision-making time, consider a discrete-time, continuous-time and half-time Markov decision problem this article describes. a large number of application examples and modeling methods. book can serve as senior undergraduate and graduate teaching, but also as research, reference management science, information science, system science, and academics and technical staff in computer science and engineering fields.)
    2014-08-15 15:45:07下载
  • AcsynCMS
    AcsynCMS 程序版权归在开发者敖天文论所有。使用者必须遵循 创作共用(Creative Commons) 协议 你可以免费: 拷贝、分发、呈现和表演当前作品,制作派生作品,但是不得移除AcsynCMS标识。同时你不可将当前作品用于商业目的。 最近更新日志 v1.0.0 1.可视化编辑器改用eWebEditor 2.增加文章内部链接功能 3.增加远程图片保存到本地功能 4.加入静态分类生成功能 5.更改资源发表页 6.完善一些系统的bug 后台用户密码:admin (AcsynCMS program developers Ao copyright in the astronomical theory of all. Users must follow the Creative Commons (Creative Commons) protocol you can for free: copy, distribute, present and performing the current work, make derivative works, but may not remove AcsynCMS logo. At the same time you may not current work for commercial purposes. Last Updated Log v1.0.0 1. EWebEditor to use visual editor 2. To increase the internal link feature articles 3. Increase the long-range picture is saved to a local function 4. Adding static classification generation function 5. Change the resources on page 6. Improve the some systems bug Background User Password: admin)
    2010-01-26 21:51:55下载
  • ASP版本LINKS 0.9
    资源描述代码名称:  ASP版本LINKS 0.9   添加日期:  2000-11-3 所属分类: ASP代码>索引搜索   总下载次数: 523 文件大小: 61KB   适用环境: Unix/WINNT 评定级别:     上传者: roland  下载地址: 按此下载   代码效果演示: 暂无   详细介绍: 一套国外的搜索引擎,采用db数据库,不过是英文版的,经过修改我想一套正宗的SOHU系统也该诞生了! 
    2022-05-16 07:11:49下载
  • 图书管理系统——JavaWeb编程
    图书管理系统采用Struts 2+Spring+Hibernate技术实现。在系统中,Struts 2用来完成显示、请求控制部分,Spring主要负责访问数据库,Hibernate主要是充当数据访问层组件。 
    2022-01-26 07:30:48下载
  • xygq
    网站挂Q源码,24小时3G在线,很不错的!!(Website linked to Q source, 24 hours 3G Online)
    2013-10-03 11:00:03下载
  • WebBrowser_HTML
    直接访问WebBrowser控件中的HTML源码,不是通过document.body.innerHTML方式,而是通过IPersistStreamInit!(WebBrowser control direct access to the HTML source code, not by document.body.innerHTML way, but through IPersistStreamInit!)
    2007-10-17 09:24:37下载
  • shipin
    程序名称:不理不采视频短片小偷 功能介绍: 这套小偷程序主要是为采集www.55858.com内的所有资源而量身定做的. 程序将采集到的数据处理后,会生成本地的Html文件.将图片下载到了本地,防止服务器端因速度慢或服务器不稳定造成小偷站网友访问也慢.支持非顶级文件夹的程序放置.(Program name: do not take video clips thief Features: This set of procedures for the acquisition of thieves is www.55858.com all the resources and tailored to the program will collect the data processing, will generate the local Html File. Download the pictures to the local, to prevent the server due to slow or server instability caused thieves station users access is also slow. Support for non-top-level folder of the program placed.)
    2017-01-09 19:50:42下载
  • Web 页面的完整的页面设计
    您可以轻松地学习如何设计一个网页的HTML / CSS。它是非常重要的方法,方便源代码来设计网页。 你会很容易理解这段代码。
    2022-03-04 00:16:14下载
  • Java Web简单的登录程序
    刚开始学习JAVA WEB时编写的小程序,其中经历了一些困难,希望给正在学习JAVA WEB的朋友一点帮助。本程序包含数据库连接、js页面验证等功能
    2022-06-12 23:45:16下载
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