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于 2017-01-09 发布 文件大小:212KB
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  程序名称:不理不采视频短片小偷 功能介绍: 这套小偷程序主要是为采集www.55858.com内的所有资源而量身定做的. 程序将采集到的数据处理后,会生成本地的Html文件.将图片下载到了本地,防止服务器端因速度慢或服务器不稳定造成小偷站网友访问也慢.支持非顶级文件夹的程序放置.(Program name: do not take video clips thief Features: This set of procedures for the acquisition of thieves is www.55858.com all the resources and tailored to the program will collect the data processing, will generate the local Html File. Download the pictures to the local, to prevent the server due to slow or server instability caused thieves station users access is also slow. Support for non-top-level folder of the program placed.)



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  • struts_hibernate物流仓库库存管理系统可做毕业设计
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    PHPvod Studio(简称pv)是一款免费开源,基于PHP+Mysql开发的视频点播系统,系统拥有众多的优秀功能和特性,在社区成员的积极参与下,在易用性、扩展性和性能方面不断优化和改进,使得PHPvod可以在极为繁忙的服务器环境下快速稳定运行,切实节约网站成本。强大的交互能力使PHPvod能够充分调动会员参与,快速扩充能容,帮助网站迅速发展。 PHPvod2.4系统改进列表: 1、支持没有开启短标记的运行环境 2、模板新增page、url、ad、template标签 3、支持自定义分页样式及模板 4、新增File、Memcache、APC三种缓存模式 5、新增设置缓存通用时间 6、新增pv_sql与pv_debug函数,分别用于在模板中执行SQL语句和显示各种变量信息 7、优化数据表结构 8、优化影片列表页快捷键翻页 9、优化日/周/月排行 10、影片列表页可直接进入播放页面 11、可以在播放页显示影片的相关信息 12、新增热门搜索 13、公告循环标签可设置公告显示的数目 14、修正在某些情况下发布评论提交不完整的BUG. 15、修正使用mail函数不能发送html格式邮件的BUG. 16、修正短消息内容长度检测出错的BUG 17、修正后台用户组图片显示出错的BUG 18、修正注册会员审核页面不能翻页的BUG(PHPvod Studio (referred to as pv) is a free open source, based on PHP+ Mysql development of video-on-demand system, the system has many excellent functions and features in the active participation of community members in the ease of use, scalability and performance continueoptimization and improvement, making PHPvod extremely busy server environment fast and stable operation, and effective website cost savings. The powerful interactive ability to PHPvod able to fully mobilize members to participate in the rapid expansion of energy capacity, site quickly. PHPvod2.4 system improvement list: 1, support is not turned on the operating environment of the short mark 2, template new page, url, ad, template tags 3, support custom paging styles and templates. , New File, Memcache, APC three cache mode 5, the new set cache universal time 6 the new pv_sql pv_debug function, respectively, is used to execute SQL statements and display a variety of variables in the template 7, optimize the )
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