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  JEDI Code Library v 2.7 Installation Supported development tools versions: - Delphi XE8 (Win32 and Win64) and C++Builder XE8 (Win32 and Win64) - Delphi XE7 (Win32 and Win64) and C++Builder XE7 (Win32 and Win64) - Delphi XE6 (Win32 and Win64) and C++Builder XE6 (Win32 and Win64) - Delphi XE5 (Win32 and Win64) and C++Builder XE5 (Win32 and Win64) - Delphi XE4 (Win32 and Win64) and C++Builder XE4 (Win32 and Win64) - Delphi XE3 (Win32 and Win64) and C++Builder XE3 (Win32 and Win64) - Delphi XE2 and C++Builder XE2; - Delphi XE and C++Builder XE; - Delphi 2010 and C++Builder 2010; - Delphi 2009 and C++Builder 2009; - CodeGear RAD Studio 2007 (also known as Delphi 2007 for Win32, C++Builder 2007); - Borland Developer Studio 2006 (also known as Delphi 2006, C++Builder 2006); - Borland Delphi 2005; - Borland Delphi 7; - Borland Delphi 6 Update Pack #2 (including Personal Edition); - Borland C++ Builder 6; - FreePascal 2.2. For more detailed information, see docsReadme.html.


JCL, 0 , 2015-07-12
JCL\bin, 0 , 2015-07-11
JCL\bin\dirinfo.txt, 80 , 2015-07-11
JCL\bin64, 0 , 2015-07-11
JCL\bin64\dirinfo.txt, 86 , 2015-07-11
JCL\clean.bat, 551 , 2015-07-11
JCL\clean.sh, 293 , 2015-07-11
JCL\devtools, 0 , 2015-07-11
JCL\devtools\howto-jpp.txt, 148 , 2015-07-11
JCL\devtools\howto-jppExceptionDialogs.txt, 164 , 2015-07-11
JCL\devtools\howto-pdEdit.txt, 321 , 2015-07-11
JCL\devtools\included_files.bat, 1929 , 2015-07-11
JCL\devtools\included_files.sh, 1889 , 2015-07-11
JCL\devtools\jpp, 0 , 2015-07-11
JCL\devtools\jpp\jpp.dof, 77 , 2015-07-11
JCL\devtools\jpp\jpp.dpr, 3860 , 2015-07-11
JCL\devtools\jpp\jppContainers.dof, 77 , 2015-07-11
JCL\devtools\jpp\jppContainers.dpr, 4638 , 2015-07-11
JCL\devtools\jpp\jppExceptionDialogs.dof, 77 , 2015-07-11
JCL\devtools\jpp\jppExceptionDialogs.dpr, 5961 , 2015-07-11
JCL\devtools\jpp\JppMain.pas, 12428 , 2015-07-11
JCL\devtools\jpp\JppReadme.txt, 1005 , 2015-07-11
JCL\devtools\pgEdit.xml, 6026 , 2015-07-11
JCL\docs, 0 , 2015-07-11
JCL\docs\Contacting authors.html, 1889 , 2015-07-11
JCL\docs\Contributors.html, 6828 , 2015-07-11
JCL\docs\Experts.html, 9084 , 2015-07-11
JCL\docs\MPL FAQ.html, 8605 , 2015-07-11
JCL\docs\MPL-1.1.txt, 26225 , 2015-07-11
JCL\docs\Readme.html, 19136 , 2015-07-11
JCL\docs\Readme.txt, 15768 , 2015-07-11
JCL\docs\styles, 0 , 2015-07-11
JCL\docs\styles\default.css, 1880 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples, 0 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\C6.exc, 23 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common, 0 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers, 0 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\algorithms, 0 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\algorithms\AlgorithmsExample.dof, 57 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\algorithms\AlgorithmsExample.dpr, 492 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\algorithms\AlgorithmsExample.res, 876 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\algorithms\AlgorithmsExampleMain.dfm, 5590 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\algorithms\AlgorithmsExampleMain.pas, 6273 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\algorithms\TestMoveArray.dof, 57 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\algorithms\TestMoveArray.dpr, 9997 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\hashing, 0 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\hashing\HashingExample.dof, 57 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\hashing\HashingExample.dpr, 531 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\hashing\HashingExample.res, 876 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\hashing\HashingExampleMain.dfm, 3776 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\hashing\HashingExampleMain.pas, 13556 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\lists, 0 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\lists\ListExample.dof, 57 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\lists\ListExample.dpr, 561 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\lists\ListExample.res, 876 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\lists\ListExampleMain.dfm, 3091 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\lists\ListExampleMain.pas, 14424 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\lists\MyObjectList.pas, 4304 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\performance, 0 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\performance\ContainerPerformance.dof, 57 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\performance\ContainerPerformance.dpr, 567 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\performance\ContainerPerformance.res, 876 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\performance\ContainerPerformanceMain.dfm, 2674 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\performance\ContainerPerformanceMain.pas, 4919 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\performance\ContainerPerformanceTests.pas, 9393 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\trees, 0 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\trees\TreeExample.dof, 57 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\trees\TreeExample.dpr, 385 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\trees\TreeExample.res, 876 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\trees\TreeExampleMain.dfm, 1328 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\trees\TreeExampleMain.pas, 3911 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\trees\TreeStructure.dof, 57 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\trees\TreeStructure.dpr, 275 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\trees\TreeStructure.res, 876 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\trees\TreeStructureMain.dfm, 6279 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\containers\trees\TreeStructureMain.pas, 9665 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\expreval, 0 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\expreval\ExprEvalExample.dof, 54 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\expreval\ExprEvalExample.dpr, 494 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\expreval\ExprEvalExample.res, 876 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\expreval\ExprEvalExampleLogic.pas, 2356 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\expreval\ExprEvalExampleMain.dfm, 2217 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\expreval\ExprEvalExampleMain.pas, 2587 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\filesearch, 0 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\filesearch\FileSearchDemo.dof, 54 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\filesearch\FileSearchDemo.dpr, 318 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\filesearch\FileSearchDemo.res, 876 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\filesearch\FileSearchDemoMain.dfm, 7944 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\filesearch\FileSearchDemoMain.pas, 8743 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\graphics, 0 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\graphics\ClipLineDemo.dof, 54 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\graphics\ClipLineDemo.dpr, 285 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\graphics\ClipLineDemo.res, 876 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\graphics\ClipLineDemoMain.dfm, 305 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\graphics\ClipLineDemoMain.pas, 1518 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\graphics\StretchGraphicDemoMain.dfm, 5207 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\graphics\StretchGraphicDemoMain.pas, 12987 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\graphics\StretchGraphicExample.dof, 54 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\graphics\StretchGraphicExample.dpr, 336 , 2015-07-11
JCL\examples\common\graphics\StretchGraphicExample.res, 876 , 2015-07-11



0 个回复

  • AdvSpin
    Delphi meter spin component
    2016-02-02 16:33:20下载
  • Delphi_485678
    Delphi:Delphi修改INI文件的内容,Delphi源码下载,通过一个窗体表单程序,对MyInfo.INI文件的各个节点值进行修改,INI文件在软件开发中常用作配置文件或数据存储文件,学会在Delphi中操作INI文件,是非常有必要的一个技巧。本示例程序用到了Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,Dialogs,INIFiles, StdCtrls, XPMan (Delphi: Delphi modify the contents of the INI file, Delphi source code download, through a form spreadsheet program, for each node value MyInfo.INI modify files, INI files in software development is often used as a configuration file or data storage files, learn Delphi INI file in the operation, it is very necessary for a skill. This sample program uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, INIFiles, StdCtrls, XPMan )
    2014-07-01 01:04:58下载
  • Sybex---Mastering-Delphi-7
    很好的Delphi教程!包括使用IntraWeb框架实现可视化应用等!(Good Delphi tutorial! IntraWeb framework including the use of visualization applications!)
    2011-11-09 21:12:15下载
  • 37
    说明:  Delphi实现拖动按钮移动无标题栏窗口,编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Delphi to achieve drag the button to move the window title bar, learning programming source code, a good reference.)
    2014-02-08 18:24:25下载
  • 201041516304962
    说明:  copyfile 文件批量自动复制工具,指定原,目标路径后可自动复制目录下文件,方便同步照片 ,代码等数据文件 (copyfile batch file automatically copy tool, specify the original target path can automatically copy the directory after the files to facilitate the synchronization photos, code and other data files)
    2010-04-16 13:05:58下载
    This source code in Delphi 7.0. Have function to decoding and encoding PDU format to ASCII and from ASCII to PDU. You can modify it or change it for meet your requirement.
    2009-04-28 03:38:24下载
  • ClrGrid
    Unit: ClrGrid; VCL: TColorStringGrid Version 1.1 TColorStringGrid adds an OnGetCellColor event to TStringGrid allowing you to set the attributes of the Brush and Font for each cell just before the text is drawn.
    2018-05-03 05:11:55下载
  • tuopan
    一个托盘程序。感兴趣的用户可以修改,使之能够使用gif图片。(A tray procedures. Interested users can modify to make it able to use gif image.)
    2007-09-14 18:27:28下载
  • mynote
    说明:   delphi7写的我的记事本小程序 还有不完善的地方 请见谅(delphi7 my notebook to write small programs there are imperfections, please forgive me)
    2011-03-02 09:55:56下载
  • webpic
    在程序中加入网上的图片,很好玩,希望大家对它喜欢(In the process of accession to the pictures online, it is fun, I hope you like it)
    2013-09-22 13:35:59下载
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