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于 2007-09-14 发布 文件大小:8KB
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  一个托盘程序。感兴趣的用户可以修改,使之能够使用gif图片。(A tray procedures. Interested users can modify to make it able to use gif image.)





0 个回复

  • TGIS
    Delphi GIS engine full source code, a very easy to use GIS engine, including almost all of the functions.
    2014-02-12 22:27:28下载
  • hardinfo25
    Get Harddisk Info with Delphi 7
    2013-03-26 21:41:18下载
  • PeerToPeer
    Delphi源码,网络相关,仿QQ,点对点聊天,UDP   真正的点对点通讯实例,实现类似QQ的技术,主是通过UDP穿透NAT进行通讯。程序要用到两个控件:DXSock和Rzaize 3.10。(Delphi source, network-related imitation QQ, peer-to-peer chat, the UDP point-to-point communication instance, similar QQ technology, the main NAT Traversal via UDP to communicate. Program to use two controls: 3.10 of DXSock and Rzaize.)
    2012-05-23 18:02:06下载
  • fastscan
    delphi code for fast scan
    2014-09-28 17:30:41下载
  • 2
    Delphi实现的屏幕放大镜源码,本例可以将屏幕放大,按比例放大。(Delphi implementation of the screen magnifier source code, this example can enlarge the screen, scale up.)
    2018-11-12 16:59:33下载
  • kalmandelphi
    delphi语音kalman滤波,改进了kalman滤波算法,精简了运算量(Improved voice kalman filtering delphi)
    2013-11-21 09:39:15下载
  • uCode
    用delphi实现结构体(含指针,string,anstring,动态数组等)的复制,释放,流化,与反流化,可以应用是三层方面的传输部件,目前应用于实际项目. 虽然存在一定的BUG,修修就可以用了.(Structure (including pointer, string, anstring, dynamic arrays, etc.) with delphi copy, release, fluidization, and reflux can be applied to the three aspects of the transmission components, currently used in the actual project. Although there are some The BUG, ​ ​ bits and pieces you can use.)
    2013-03-08 23:02:03下载
  • llPDFDelphiTrial
    Delphi的PDF开发控件,llPDFLib是一个100 的Object Pascallibrary,用于创建PDF文档。用它创建PDF文档不使用任何DLL和其他第三方软件。llPDFLib包括TPDFDocument组件并带。-(llPDFLib is pure Object Pascal library for create PDF documents. This library doesn t use any DLL or external third-party software to generate PDF files. Library includes TPDFDocument component with properties and methods like Delphi s TPrinter but designed to generate a PDF file. Features: Real Canvas.Handle (HDC) Acroforms (buttons, radiobuttons, checkboxes, comboboxes, text input fields) Watermarks Thumbnail JavaScript Encryption Outlines (with support russian, turkish, baltic, east europe, greek, CJK languages) Compression Image compression Hyperlink Annotation(with support russian, turkish, baltic, east europe, greek, CJK languages) Embedding True Type fonts Support CJK fonts Emulation of the Underline and StrikeOut font style Emulation of the Bold and Italic font styles for True Type fonts where this styles not present present output into Stream for work with CGI/ISAPI applications filters for QReport,FastReport and Report Builder. and much, m)
    2011-08-05 15:07:32下载
  • usbdelphi_1
    delphi 环境下开发的usb硬件设备调用库,使用了部分汇编。(delphi development environment called the Treasury usb hardware devices, the use of some of the compilation.)
    2008-04-12 12:22:17下载
  • CPPkeyword
    C++标准库,C++ Standard Library,是类库和函数的集合,其使用核心语言写成,由c++标准委员会制定,并不断维护更新。(The C++ standard library, C++ Standard Library, is a set of class libraries and function, the use of the core language, developed by the c++ Standards Committee, and continue to maintain and update.)
    2015-01-17 09:22:43下载
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