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  搭建双向DC-DC双电路,实现直流微网并网运行蓄电池恒压充放电(Constant Voltage Charging and Discharging of Batteries in Grid-connected Operation of DC Microgrid Based on Bidirectional DC-DC Double Circuit)


BatteryManagement_v4_r2014a.slx, 25968 , 2019-05-06



0 个回复

  • Rayleigh
    说明:  基于clarke模型的瑞利多径衰落产生器,由移动台速度确定的瑞利衰落随机过程(A Rayleigh fading simulator based on Clarke s Model. Creates a Rayleigh random process with PSD determined by the vehicle s speed)
    2011-03-09 19:26:37下载
  • sound
    固定个数,不动点ICA算法的语音信号盲源分离(A fixed number of fixed point ICA algorithm speech signal blind source separation)
    2015-04-13 08:00:02下载
  • 决策树分类实验(乳腺癌)
    说明:  决策树分类程序,包含使用的数据集和运行结果(Decision tree classifier, including data sets used and running results)
    2020-11-01 22:40:03下载
  • ImageMatching
    本人编的图像配准算法,使用相关算法,模板在参考图像上移动(I compiled image registration algorithm, using the correlation algorithm)
    2010-02-21 21:56:53下载
  • dataset_618531
    包含1593手写体数字0 ~ 9。从semeion.data通过MATLAB semeion.mat,可以直接使用。 每一个行为样本,其中256是手写数字的16×16,在10栏的数字识别标签,例如:如果第一行是1,然后是0号,其次是1,1。等等。 在Matlab的小例子,可以得出每一个数字,一个更好的理解。你想翻转和旋转的是写作的习惯相一致的图像。(Contains 1593 handwritten digit 0~9. from semeion.data by MATLAB semeion.mat, can be used directly. In addition of MATLAB small example, can draw each digital, a better understanding of. The image you want to flip and rotation is consistent with the habit of writing.)
    2013-11-14 13:44:00下载
  • AoA
    在matlab 中。 关于无线天线 入射角 估计,采取基本的延迟估计原则(Estimation of incident angle of wireless antenna)
    2017-07-23 12:09:05下载
  • L01p_e
    [x,f]= L01p_e(c,A,b,N)用枚举法求解下列 0-1线性规划问题min f=c *x, s.t. A*x<=b,x的分量全为整数0或1, 其中N表示约束条件 Ax ≤ b中的前N个是等式,N= 0时可以省略。 返回结果x是最优解,f是最优解处的函数值。 ([X, f] = L01p_e (c, A, b, N) with the following enumeration method for solving linear programming problems 0-1 min f = c ' * x, st A* x < = b, x is an integer of all components 0 or 1, where N represents the constraints Ax ≤ b in the equation of the first N, N = 0 can be omitted. Return result x is the optimal solution, f is the function value at the optimal solution.)
    2013-07-16 21:51:03下载
  • MATLAB-GUI-kongzhijiemian
    本程序实现对图像的打开、退出操作,以及图像旋转、添加噪声、图像平滑(椒盐噪声处理、均值低通滤波处理、中值滤波处理)、图像直方图显示、预测编码,在MATLAB中用GUI实现。(This program implements the image is opened, quit the operation, as well as image rotation, adding noise, image smoothing (salt and pepper noise processing, the mean low-pass filtering, median filtering process), histogram display, predictive coding, in MATLAB using GUI implementation.)
    2014-11-13 13:04:59下载
  • economic
    该算法主要用于计算高速动态经济调度算法。(The algorithm used to calculate the speed of dynamic economic dispatch algorithm.)
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  • bus30_pf
    30总线系统的潮流计算 finpt.m可以修改各支路、各总线的有功、无功、无功补偿、支路阻抗等数据,运行后,运行pflw.exe文件,生成pfoutput.m文件显示潮流计算结果(30-bus system can modify the flow calculation finpt.m slip, the bus active and reactive power, reactive power compensation, slip resistance and other data, run, run pflw.exe files, documents show power flow generated pfoutput.m Results)
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  • 696518资源总数
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