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Attacking with HTML5

于 2019-04-02 发布 文件大小:717KB
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  Attacking with HTML5 , pdf type document


Attacking with HTML5.pdf, 775197 , 2018-09-06



0 个回复

  • HonoBlog_cn
    HonoBlog 是php/mysql 开发的博客管理系统 1.动态网页管理 2.菜单管理 3.角色组管理 4.用户管理 5.权限管理 6.菜单栏目管理 7.内容发布管理 8.博客分类管理 9.博客文章 10.博客主题模板 11.联系我们 12.模板管理 13.模块管理 14.数据备份(HonoBlog is php/mysql development blog management system 1. The dynamic website management menu management 2. 3. 4. Role Group Management User Management 5. Rights Management menu section 6. Content Management 7. Release Management 8. 9. blog category management blog article 10. The blog theme template 11. Contact us 12. 13. template management module management 14. data backup )
    2016-09-19 22:04:01下载
  • index
    智睿多选品牌评选系统系统定位于投票评选行业的量身开发,打造行业的领先服务评选品牌,系统整合单选/多选一体化功能,分类模块独立投票使用,并适合图文评选,本系统定位品牌,选秀,活动,政府,公安,年度评选等相关活动,新增URL传送加密,问题验证,防外链接功,代理IP检测加强功能,时间效验功能等,更多功能请使用商业版,系统为免费版,终身使用。(Rui Chi brand multiple choice selection system systems targeted at the development of tailor-voted industry, to create the industry' s leading service brand selection, system integration Radio/multiple choice integration function, use classification module independent vote, and is suitable for graphic selection, this brand positioning system, draft, events, government, public security, the annual selection and other related activities, the new URL transmission encryption, verification problem, anti-foreign link, the agent IP detection enhancements, time-tested function, more features please use the commercial version The system for the free version, lifetime use.)
    2015-12-14 12:54:08下载
  • shop
    购物车的应用,如何添加购物车,如何修改数量(Shopping cart application, how to add a shopping cart, and how to modify the number of)
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  • 翻转图像
    有数千个网站,您可以在网上张贴你的简历,并可以完成在线工作申请。申请人或者通过一个工作职位版块,像 Monster.com,在线申请,或者直接在 company 网站上在线申请。在某些情况下,求职者需要登记并建立就业档案。一旦那麼建立您的配置文件,你可以网上申请工作并设置搜索代理给你发电子邮件,当系统加入了新的就业机会。申请人可以然后网上申请购买特定位置随时方便对他们来说,与几个鼠标点击。在大的雇主,和很多招聘网站,求职者可以对的位置保持跟踪他们已经申请了。
    2023-05-23 05:20:02下载
  • dwwz
    说明:  专为制作散文、诗歌、诗词、小说、心灵鸡汤、漫画,美女图片、头像图片、QQ签名说说,书画作品网等等图片文字类型的网站而打造的短文网站系统。(It is a short article website system specially designed for the production of websites of prose, poetry, poetry, novels, soul chicken soup, comics, beauty pictures, head picture, QQ signature, calligraphy and painting works, etc.)
    2020-06-29 11:00:02下载
  • html
    医学网站的网站模板,基于HTML5的移动网站前台模板(Website template medical websites, HTML5-based mobile website templates reception)
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  • 微信三级分销系统源代码
    应用背景本程序无加密,上传程序源文件、导入数据库 即可!简单的操作关键技术微信三级分销,人人都可以做分销,让你在最短的时间产生裂变的效果!让你的收益最大化!
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  • CmsEasy_UTF-8_For_PHP
    支持生成html,支持google和百度地图生成、自定义标题、自定义关键词、自定义描述、伪静态等符合SEO最佳标准的功能; 支持缓存功能,全面提升网站运行速度; 支持自定义模板,拥有特有的模板标签,留有全面的个性化设计空间; 支持图片增加水印,支持水印位置和自定义水印图片等; 支持附件大小控制;支持敏感词过滤; 支持邮件多种模式的群发;内置cnzz全景统计; 支持无限极栏目;支持内容绑定分类;(Support the generation of HTML, support Google and Baidu map generation, custom titles, custom keywords, custom description, pseudo static and other functions in accordance with the best SEO standard Support the cache function, and comprehensively improve the website running speed Support for custom templates, with a unique template tags, leaving a comprehensive personalized design space Support the image to increase the watermark, the watermark position and the custom watermark image Support for attachment size control support for sensitive word filtering Support for multiple modes of mail group built in cnzz panoramic statistics Support unlimited support columns the content of binding classification )
    2016-04-12 09:42:07下载
  • emlog_5.1.1
    emlog是国人开发的一个博客程序,功能绝不含糊,性能十分出色。与wordpress相比,更贴近国人的使用习惯,而且比wp速度快很多he。时隔半年,发布了emlog v5.0.0,该版本增加了评论嵌套,增加分类别名等功能。 功能介绍 支持日志url自定义,对搜索引擎更为友好 独有的碎语(微博)功能,让你用简单的文字记录生活 一键式更换模板,方便快捷打造个性博客 清爽的日志撰写页面、配以自动保存,书写博文更加舒适无忧 日志草稿箱功能,方便保存你未完成的日志 完美支持手机访问,随时随地记录你的生活 支持离线写作,(emlog is people develop a blog program, function unambiguously, the performance is very good. Compared with wordpress, closer to people' s habits, and wp much faster than he. After a lapse of six months, released emlog v5.0.0, this version adds a comment nesting increase the classification alias functions. Features Support Log url customization, more friendly to search engines unique broken language (microblogging) feature that allows you to record life with a simple one-button text replacement templates, quick and easy to create personalized blog refreshing bloggers pages, with auto-save, worry more comfortable writing Bowen log Drafts function, easy to save your unfinished logs perfect support mobile access, anytime, anywhere to record your life support offline writing,)
    2013-07-09 11:05:47下载
  • 点到系统web编程
    这是我们组网课的大作业,用的是sqlServer数据库,开发环境是MyEclipse 6.0,实现在线点到功能,每个ip地址只能在一天之内点到一次,要是点到后,会自动插入到数据库中,含数据库脚本文件,以及源代码文件,登录页面,点到页面,点到查询页面,老师跟同学的权限页面,在网页上实现了增删改查的功能。
    2022-07-18 02:18:49下载
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