智睿多选品牌评选系统系统定位于投票评选行业的量身开发,打造行业的领先服务评选品牌,系统整合单选/多选一体化功能,分类模块独立投票使用,并适合图文评选,本系统定位品牌,选秀,活动,政府,公安,年度评选等相关活动,新增URL传送加密,问题验证,防外链接功,代理IP检测加强功能,时间效验功能等,更多功能请使用商业版,系统为免费版,终身使用。(Rui Chi brand multiple choice selection system systems targeted at the development of tailor-voted industry, to create the industry' s leading service brand selection, system integration Radio/multiple choice integration function, use classification module independent vote, and is suitable for graphic selection, this brand positioning system, draft, events, government, public security, the annual selection and other related activities, the new URL transmission encryption, verification problem, anti-foreign link, the agent IP detection enhancements, time-tested function, more features please use the commercial version The system for the free version, lifetime use.)