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matlab pine

于 2018-05-26 发布 文件大小:9840KB
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  matlab点云三维重建,用matlab写成的,效果很好,而且速度也比较快(Matlab point cloud three-dimensional reconstruction, written in MATLAB, the effect is very good, and the speed is faster.)


point3d\点云的三维重建\Block.mat, 303794 , 2010-05-03
point3d\点云的三维重建\Bunny.bmp, 236278 , 2008-11-20
point3d\点云的三维重建\Cactus.mat, 27357 , 2008-11-20
point3d\点云的三维重建\Chair.mat, 1100582 , 2008-11-20
point3d\点云的三维重建\Dino.mat, 527477 , 2008-11-20
point3d\点云的三维重建\Elephant.mat, 550432 , 2008-11-20
point3d\点云的三维重建\gargo50k.mat, 290952 , 2008-07-01
point3d\点云的三维重建\hippo.mat, 188902 , 2008-06-28
point3d\点云的三维重建\Horse.mat, 985815 , 2008-11-20
point3d\点云的三维重建\MyCrust.asv, 12180 , 2010-05-03
point3d\点云的三维重建\MyCrust.m, 12195 , 2010-05-03
point3d\点云的三维重建\Skull.mat, 306544 , 2008-11-20
point3d\点云的三维重建\Standford_Bunny.mat, 804127 , 2008-11-20
point3d\点云的三维重建\TestMyCrust.asv, 871 , 2010-05-03
point3d\点云的三维重建\TestMyCrust.m, 872 , 2010-05-05
point3d\点云的三维重建\如何運行.txt, 109 , 2009-03-28
point3d\点云的三维重建\p.mat, 303794 , 2010-05-03
point3d\点云的三维重建\p.txt, 157081 , 2010-05-05
point3d\点云的三维重建\data.mat, 112418 , 2010-05-05
point3d\点云的三维重建\matlab.mat, 39072 , 2010-05-08
point3d\Block.mat, 45713 , 2008-11-20
point3d\Bunny.bmp, 236278 , 2008-11-20
point3d\Cactus.mat, 27357 , 2008-11-20
point3d\Chair.mat, 1100582 , 2008-11-20
point3d\Dino.mat, 527477 , 2008-11-20
point3d\Elephant.mat, 550432 , 2008-11-20
point3d\gargo50k.mat, 290952 , 2008-07-01
point3d\hippo.mat, 188902 , 2008-06-28
point3d\Horse.mat, 985815 , 2008-11-20
point3d\MyCrust.asv, 11469 , 2008-11-20
point3d\MyCrust.m, 12126 , 2008-12-01
point3d\Skull.mat, 306544 , 2008-11-20
point3d\Standford_Bunny.mat, 804127 , 2008-11-20
point3d\TestMyCrust.asv, 797 , 2009-03-28
point3d\TestMyCrust.m, 787 , 2009-03-28
point3d\如何運行.txt, 109 , 2009-03-28
point3d\点云的三维重建, 0 , 2009-03-28
point3d, 0 , 2009-03-28



0 个回复

  • Joseph forward前向投影的系统矩阵的ART三维重建
    关于Joseph forward前向投影的系统矩阵的ART三维重建程序,对于学习三维重建的同学有很大的帮助!(About ART reconstruction program before Joseph forward to the projection system matrix for three-dimensional reconstruction of students learning a great help!)
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    VisualC++实现3DS动画文件阅读器源代码(VisualC achieve 3DS document readers source code)
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  • RRT4
    在有障碍的环境中,有效避障搜索,到达目标点。(In an obstacle environment, effective obstacle avoidance search can reach the target point.)
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  • MinCut
    这是一个非常好的图象分割程序,基于纹理分割的,保证别人没有上传过(very good image segtation)
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