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于 2017-04-05 发布 文件大小:53KB
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  用户信息管理主要是针对权限设置,在这里给了一个比较好的用户管理的实例(User information management mainly for permissions, here gives a good example of user management)



0 个回复

  • 论道html5
    本书先简要介绍了如何用 HTML5 和 CSS3 制作网站,然后全面介绍了 API 和 Canvas 2D,接着介绍了如何在手机浏览器上开发 HTML5 相关的应用、WebSocket API 相关的三个案例和时下较为流行的 Node.js环境,最后介绍了瘦服务器战略和云的概念。 本书主要供业内的前端开发人员使用,也可供大专院校相关师生、行业技能培训学校作为相关教材和参考书(This book gives a brief introduction to how to use HTML5 and CSS3 production site, and then a comprehensive introduction to the API and Canvas 2D, then introduced how to develop HTML5 mobile browser browser-related applications, WebSocket API related to the three cases and nowadays more popular Node.js environment, and finally introduced the thin server strategy and cloud concept. This book is mainly used for front-end developers in the industry, but also for the relevant teachers and students, industry skills training schools as a related materials and reference books)
    2017-07-10 20:59:34下载
  • AYASOFT留言板 v0.1
    资源描述简介:  留言查询,个人帐号管理,留言管理,可以整合到自己的网络中。
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  • WebSite1
    C# ASP登录窗体 连接数据库 因为我是新手,做的比较简单(C# ASP Login Form connect to the database because I was the novice, relatively simple to do)
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  • personweb
    ,,,,,,,,,,个人网站web作品 ,,,,,。(personal web)
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  • js特效 滚动
    翻书脚 页面自动定时跳转 滚动菜单 幻灯片换位效果 图片晃动效果
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  • dida_v1.0.1
    DIDA是基于PHP,MYSQL的开发框架,是国内大牛基于国外流行的软件DRUPAL做的精简版,使用非常灵活,本套软件是基于DIDA开发的企业网站建设工具。简单灵活,开发容易。 dida开源企业站 v1.0.1更新内容: 修复文章模块,产品模块在非apache支持下的rewrite无法访问的bug 增加sina,qq,renren登陆模块,增加新浪微博模块(DIDA is based on PHP, MYSQL development framework, is the domestic and foreign popular Daniel Lite software DRUPAL based on the use of the software is very flexible, DIDA development tools based on enterprise website construction. Simple and flexible, easy development. Dida open source enterprise station v1.0.1 update content: Repair the article module, the product module in non rewrite support Apache can not access the bug Increase of sina, QQ, Renren landing module, increase Sina micro-blog module)
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    应用背景本源码简单实现了音乐商品的管理和分类查看功能,使用了MVC分页,Linq to Entity,对初学者很有帮助。 关键技术注意: 开发环境为Visual Studio 2010,数据库为SQLCE,数据库文件在App_Data文件夹中
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  • maxcms
    1.马克斯CMS对环境的要求极低、凡支持IIS的空间或服务器均可顺利安装 2.上传程序到你的网站目录中,运行install.asp文件,即可出现安装向导,请按提示操作即可 3.如果安装中提示权限不足,请设置网站目录的可写权限 4.后台登陆默认账号:admin 密码:admin 5.网站前台顶部的【热播排行榜】【热播推荐】,请在后台生成即可,操作方法:网站后台-----生成-----生成选项------生成其他-----生成全部自定义页 2012-06-12更新记录 增加插件带十万数据 增加在线网络电视直播 增加对百度影音近期调整导致服务器6648错误进行修正 修复优酷高清失效播放器 修复内在溢出 更多功能敬请体验.....(A very low Max CMS environmental requirements, space or who support the IIS server can be successfully installedUpload program to your web site directory, run install.asp file, you can Setup Wizard prompts3 If the installation permission prompt, set the site directory writable by theAdmin Login default account: admin Password: admin[The hit list of the top of the website front] [hit recommended], can be generated in the background and methods of operation: Website background----- generate----- build options------ Generate----- generate all the custom page2012-06-12 update recordsAdd plug-in with 100,000 dataTo increase the TV broadcast of the online networkIncrease Baidu AV recent adjustment to the 6648 server error correctionRepair Youku HD failure PlayerRepair the inner overflowMore features please experience .....2011-11-22 update recordsClear status of select potatoes player, video playerIncrease the Baidu audio and video buffer and the suspension of advertising address management,)
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  • MyLogPHP.class_02c55e
    采用php的源码实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的电子商务,无忧淘宝客系统(集成jssdk) v1.4,老版本已经不能使用 新版本集成了jssdk 可以正常使用了2012、5、19修复部分已知BUG 增加TXT文章管理系统,测试火车头等采集器可以 成功发布文章修改模板调用函数,让模板打造更简单新增单页推广模块: ,可以作为初学者例子代码(Using php source code to achieve , which is a php scripting language used to write e-commerce , Taobao customers worry-free system ( integrated jssdk) v1.4, the old version can not use the new version incorporates jssdk can normally use 2012,5,19)
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  • php5
    说明:  朋友开放源码接口文档,朋友社区开放平台文档,腾讯朋友(Friends of open source interface documentation, friends community open platform document, Tencent friends)
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