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于 2012-06-12 发布 文件大小:2103KB
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  1.马克斯CMS对环境的要求极低、凡支持IIS的空间或服务器均可顺利安装 2.上传程序到你的网站目录中,运行install.asp文件,即可出现安装向导,请按提示操作即可 3.如果安装中提示权限不足,请设置网站目录的可写权限 4.后台登陆默认账号:admin 密码:admin 5.网站前台顶部的【热播排行榜】【热播推荐】,请在后台生成即可,操作方法:网站后台-----生成-----生成选项------生成其他-----生成全部自定义页 2012-06-12更新记录 增加插件带十万数据 增加在线网络电视直播 增加对百度影音近期调整导致服务器6648错误进行修正 修复优酷高清失效播放器 修复内在溢出 更多功能敬请体验.....(A very low Max CMS environmental requirements, space or who support the IIS server can be successfully installedUpload program to your web site directory, run install.asp file, you can Setup Wizard prompts3 If the installation permission prompt, set the site directory writable by theAdmin Login default account: admin Password: admin[The hit list of the top of the website front] [hit recommended], can be generated in the background and methods of operation: Website background----- generate----- build options------ Generate----- generate all the custom page2012-06-12 update recordsAdd plug-in with 100,000 dataTo increase the TV broadcast of the online networkIncrease Baidu AV recent adjustment to the 6648 server error correctionRepair Youku HD failure PlayerRepair the inner overflowMore features please experience .....2011-11-22 update recordsClear status of select potatoes player, video playerIncrease the Baidu audio and video buffer and the suspension of advertising address management,)



0 个回复

  • sousuoyinqing2.0
    百度现在改为UTF8了,因此导致老版本乱码,2.3解决了这个问题,由GBK改为UTF8,少了转码的程序,效率更高。 (Baidu now changed to UTF8, so leading to the old version of garbled, 2.3 solves this problem by GBK to UTF8, less transcoding process more efficient.)
    2013-12-24 22:25:59下载
  • 学生请销假管理系统
    本作品为培训机构环境下的学生请销假系统,分为后台管理员、教师、学生以及游客4种身份。(This work is a student leave system under the environment of training institutions. It is divided into four identities: backstage administrator, teacher, student and tourist.)
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  • 织梦代码
    织梦内容管理系统(DedeCms) 以简单、实用、开源而闻名,是国内最知名的PHP开源网站管理系统,也是使用用户最多的PHP类CMS系统,在经历了二年多的发展,目前的版本无论在功能,还是在易用性方面,都有了长足的发展和进步,DedeCms免费版的主要目标用户锁定在个人站长,功能更专注于个人网站或中小型门户的构建,当然也不乏有企业用户和学校等在使用本系统。
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  • eefff
    说明:  Flash--后台登陆地址:admin/Index.asp 帐号密码:admin 目前集合上千款FLASH小游戏 直接生成即可亦可自行添加新FLASH小游戏(Flash- the background landing Address: admin/Index.asp Account Password: admin the current collection of thousands of subsection FLASH game can also be generated directly on their own to add a new FLASH game)
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    FreeImage 第三方图片加载插件 http://freeimage.sourceforge.net/download.html(FreeImage Third party picture loading)
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  • phpmyfaq-2.9.1
    phpMyFAQ是一个支持多语言的,用php技术开发的开源FAQ(问答)系统,类似百度知道,支持多种数据库。phpMyFAQ具有内容管理功能,图片管理,支持多用户,用户组、新闻系统、用户跟踪、语言模块,支持 Microsoft Active Directry 活动目录。(PhpMyFAQ is a multi language support, using PHP technology to develop the open source FAQ (Q & A) system, similar to Baidu know, support a variety of . PhpMyFAQ with content management, image management, support for multiple users, user groups, news systems, user tracking, language modules, support for Active Directry Microsoft active directory.)
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  • online
    这是一个在线播放音乐和视频的php源码,可以正常运行。(This is an online music and video php source code can be normal operation.)
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