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  传统的三相光伏并网模块,采用电压外环,电流内环控制(Traditional three-phase photovoltaic grid-connected module adopts voltage outer loop and current inner loop control)


threephaseSMC.slx, 48793 , 2017-12-12



0 个回复

  • HTML5水波浪起伏模拟动画
    一款HTML5音乐播放器,这款播放器的背景是黑色质感状的,看起来非常炫酷(A HTML5 music player. The background of this player is black texture. It looks very cool.)
    2018-10-12 17:10:47下载
  • 802.1x认证配置客户端
    说明:  简单的802.1x认证配置客户端(自动获取所有网卡)(802.1x authentication)
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  • License_20180115
    Intouch 一种工业自动化组态软件,Wonderware公司产品. Wonderware 公司成立于 1987 年,是在制造运营系统率先推出 Microsoft Windows 平台的人机界面 (HMI) 自动化软件的先锋。世界第一家推出组态软件的公司. Wonderware InTouch for FactorySuite为以工厂和操作人员为中心的制造信息系统提供了可视化工具。这些制造信息系统集成了操作人员所必需的各种信息,可以在工厂内部和各工厂之间共享。 InTouch HMI软件用于可视化和控制工业生产过程。它为工程师提供了一种易用的开发环境和广泛的功能,使工程师能够快速地建立、测试和部署强大的连接和传递实时信息的自动化应用。InTouch软件是一个开放的、可扩展的人机界面,为定制应用程序设计提供了灵活性,同时为工业中的各种自动化设备提供了连接能力intouch 授权(Intouch an industrial automation configuration software, Wonderware company product. keygen Wonderware InTouch for FactorySuite provides a visual tool for manufacturing information systems centered around factory and operator. These manufacturing information systems integrate the various information necessary for the operator, which can be shared within the factory and between the factories. InTouch HMI software is used to visualize and control the industrial production process. It provides engineers with an easy-to-use development environment and extensive functions, enabling engineers to quickly establish, test and deploy powerful connections and transmit real-time information automation applications. InTouch software is an open and extensible man-machine interface, which provides flexibility for customized application design, and provides connectivity for all kinds of automation devices in industry. intouch keygen)
    2018-03-05 09:57:41下载
  • 实验4-5:广播中加入发射功率等级
    说明:  NRF52832 的广播中加入发射功率等级实验(Transmitting Power Level Experiments in NRF52832 Broadcasting)
    2019-05-08 09:16:27下载
  • based on the DS1420 electronic music procedures. ISD1420 from a single recording...
    基于DS1420的电子音乐程序.ISD1420由一个单录音信号REC实现录音操作,两个放音信号其中的一个实现放音操作,PLAYE(触发放音),PLAYL (电平放音)ISD1420 可以配置成单一信息的应用,如果使用地址线也可以用于复杂信息的处理。-based on the DS1420 electronic music procedures. ISD1420 from a single recording signal achievement REC recording operation, two audio signal up to the realization of a sound operation, PLAYE (trigger audio), PLAYL (Music-- Horizontal) ISD1420 can configure the information into a single application, If the use of address lines can be used for complex information processing.
    2022-02-26 17:48:43下载
  • 倒立摆是一典型例子
    在各种非线性系统中,倒立摆是一典型例子,用强化学习实现控制倒立摆(on-line learning control by association and reinforcement)
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  • StudyongyrocompassAlignmentforSINS
    初始对准技术是惯性导航系统的关键技术之一,初始对准的快速性和精度直 接关系到捷联惯导系统的性能。论文以罗经对准方法在捷联惯导系统中的应用为 目的,深入地进行了理论、实验和应用研究。 理论上,由捷联式惯导系统误差模型开始,结合罗经对准原理,建立罗经对 准数学模型。在此基础上,设计算法和控制流程,并依据控制理论选择适当的控 制参数。 在理论分析之后,针对可能出现的多种外界条件进行模拟数据仿真实验验证 算法和参数选择的正确性。仿真实验结果表明:在SOOs内系统对准精度达到0.10 并目_适用十高纬度地区。 车载试验数据离线分析,试验中使用GPS测得的速度信息作为外测参考速 度信息,在车辆运动过程中对准系统保持工作状态。将导航解算得到的结果与 GPS测得的信息进行比较分析,导航精度与GPS精度相当,即速度精度0.2m/s 水平位置精度lOmo (StudyongyrocompassAlignmentforSINS)
    2021-03-24 15:59:15下载
  • 49、基于单片机的无刷直流电机控制系统的设计
    说明:  应用ir2101驱动无刷电机转动 实现电机的转动。(The brushless motor is driven by ir2101 to rotate.)
    2019-04-18 21:20:32下载
  • 这是一个不错的3D建模软件,在编辑框里可以类似像maya一样随意拖动模型,可以加纹理、雾化效果等等,当然还能保存数据,可以供为 3D游戏开发美工作模型设计工具!...
    这是一个不错的3D建模软件,在编辑框里可以类似像maya一样随意拖动模型,可以加纹理、雾化效果等等,当然还能保存数据,可以供为 3D游戏开发美工作模型设计工具!强烈推荐!-This is a good 3D modeling software. Message editorial maya be the same as similar random drive models can be increased texture, atomizing effect, and so on. Of course can preserve data, for the development of 3D games for the U.S. working model design tool! Strongly recommended!
    2022-03-21 19:03:42下载
  • VSG
    说明:  基于Matlab R-2018a版本搭建的虚拟同步发电机(VSG)三相离网变负载逆变器仿真,功率外环采用VSG控制,内环采用电容电压和电感电流双PI控制,仿真输出三相电压波形良好,输出频率跟踪也很理想。更详细的模块搭建步骤讲解可参考2018年华北电力大 学Sara Yahia Altahir Mohamed的博士学位论文《微电网并联运行虚拟同步发电机控制策略研究》P18页,Fig.2-8 Overall control of VSG.(Based on MATLAB r-2018a version of virtual synchronous generator (VSG) three-phase off grid variable load inverter simulation, the power outer loop adopts VSG control, the inner loop adopts double PI control of capacitor voltage and inductance current. The simulation output three-phase voltage waveform is good, and the output frequency tracking is also reasonable. For more detailed explanation of module construction steps, please refer to Sara Yahia altahir Mohamed's doctoral dissertation "Research on control strategy of virtual synchronous generator in parallel operation of microgrid" in 2018, page P18, fig.2-8 overall control of VSG.)
    2021-01-14 19:58:48下载
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