

于 2016-01-20 发布 文件大小:98KB
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  软件后台服务源码程序,例程结合易语言互联网支持库,实现ASP网页的应用。(Background service source software programs, routines combined with easy language Internet support library that implements the ASP web applications.)



0 个回复

  • 6094
    使用host方法屏蔽优酷广告源码,程序将host屏蔽代码写到系统目录中。即给要屏蔽的网站设置一个对应的IP地址,使之不能打开真正的网站。(The method of using the host shielded Youku advertising source , the program writes the code will host the shield system directory. )
    2016-10-21 23:54:25下载
  • A-Comparison-of-Ladder--Series--and-Shunt-Type-St
    A Comparison of Ladder, Series, and Shunt Type Stepped Attenuators
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  • xiaoche
    智能遥控小车程序 单片机学习资料供初学者参考 (Intelligent remote control car program for beginners learning materials reference MCU)
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  • 213524
    源码之疯狂的鼠标源码例程程序结合易语言超文本浏览框支持库,写出运行HTML网页文件和鼠标FLASH文件,并调用API函数设置窗口的透明。(Crazy Mouse routine source code of a program combining easy language support library hypertext browsing box , write the HTML page file and run the mouse FLASH file and call the API function to set the transparent window.)
    2015-04-27 13:44:38下载
  • 632917
    禁止某网站源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,将添加的网站IP地址写到系统Hosts文件中。设置要访问的地址为一个固定的IP地址,达到禁止访问的限制(Ban a website source code, the program combined with easy language support library expansion interface , the website will add the IP address in the Hosts file system writes . )
    2015-05-27 21:09:14下载
  • 26951
    取键盘指示灯状态源码,例程程序调用API函数实现取键盘指示灯状态。(Take the keyboard LED status source , routine program calls API functions take keyboard LED status .)
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  • temp
    组态王在实际应用中,温度测量与报警控制程序设计(Kingview in practical application, temperature measurement and alarm control program design)
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  • 33066
    国内主要城市天气预报易语言源码,程序结合易语言互联网支持库,提交URL网址访问天气预报网站读取天气预报信息。(Major cities weather forecast Easy language source code , the program combined with easy language support library Internet , submit URL address to access the site to read the weather forecast weather forecast information .)
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  • 616343
    取N卡温度源码例程,程序结合易语言系统核心支持库,通过调用dll文件得到N卡当前温度的功能。(Take N card temperature source routines, programs combine core system easy language support library dll file obtained by calling the current function of the temperature N card .)
    2016-10-30 18:37:07下载
  • 657940
    禁止某网站源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,将添加的网站IP地址写到系统Hosts文件中。设置要访问的地址为一个固定的IP地址,达到禁止访问的限制(Ban a website source code, the program combines easy language support library expansion interface , the website will add the IP address of the system is written in the Hosts file . )
    2015-04-22 10:55:57下载
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