

于 2015-04-27 发布 文件大小:129KB
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  源码之疯狂的鼠标源码例程程序结合易语言超文本浏览框支持库,写出运行HTML网页文件和鼠标FLASH文件,并调用API函数设置窗口的透明。(Crazy Mouse routine source code of a program combining easy language support library hypertext browsing box , write the HTML page file and run the mouse FLASH file and call the API function to set the transparent window.)



0 个回复

  • duojihuizongbi
    舵机使用说明,用于实现对舵机的控制。其中讲述了舵机的各种使用说明。(Steering instructions, used to implement the control of the steering gear. Various instructions which tells the story of steering gear.)
    2014-04-18 09:31:22下载
  • 157665
    取网站图标保存源码例程,程序结合易语言互联网支持库,实现读取网站的图标并保存。(Take the site icon to save the source code routines, programs combined with easy language Internet support library that implements the icon to read the site and save .)
    2017-01-11 19:03:57下载
  • 47313
    PHP网络验证登陆源码,结合易语言互联网支持库,实现PHP网络验证登陆功能。(PHP network authentication login code , combined with easy language Internet support library that implements the PHP network authentication login function.)
    2015-04-04 15:42:07下载
  • xiaoche
    智能遥控小车程序 单片机学习资料供初学者参考 (Intelligent remote control car program for beginners learning materials reference MCU)
    2010-11-22 12:46:18下载
  • 6094
    使用host方法屏蔽优酷广告源码,程序将host屏蔽代码写到系统目录中。即给要屏蔽的网站设置一个对应的IP地址,使之不能打开真正的网站。(The method of using the host shielded Youku advertising source , the program writes the code will host the shield system directory. )
    2016-08-15 13:24:27下载
  • V2.7-cracked-version.rar
    飘零网络验证V2.7破解版,绝对完美破解。 PHP空间。(Wandering network authentication V2.7 cracked version.)
    2013-05-21 19:47:52下载
  • 616343
    取N卡温度源码例程,程序结合易语言系统核心支持库,通过调用dll文件得到N卡当前温度的功能。(Take N card temperature source routines, programs combine core system easy language support library dll file obtained by calling the current function of the temperature N card .)
    2016-10-30 18:37:07下载
  • cf
    一个能赚钱的网站的推广积分破解版,虽然不是本人的创造,但是还是希望大家喜欢(Promote integration cracked version of a website can make money, though not my creation, but still I hope you like)
    2015-08-20 13:05:00下载
  • 632917
    禁止某网站源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,将添加的网站IP地址写到系统Hosts文件中。设置要访问的地址为一个固定的IP地址,达到禁止访问的限制(Ban a website source code, the program combined with easy language support library expansion interface , the website will add the IP address in the Hosts file system writes . )
    2015-05-27 21:09:14下载
  • 7532
    cookie管理例程源码,通过调用系统WINHTTP对象实现了带Cookie访问网站的功能,实现了对系统Cookie读取、改变。代码中使用了WINDOWS系统对象,正则表达式(彗星正则表达式类.ec 模块)条件匹配等技术。(cookie management routines source , by calling the system WINHTTP object implements the functionality to access the site with Cookie , Cookie realization of the system to read and change . )
    2017-05-24 11:50:44下载
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