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于 2014-05-11 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  建立一张顺序存储结构的线性表(顺序表),表中数据元素为整型数,能够存储的最大元素数量为50。在该顺序表上依次完成以下操作: (1)判定线性表是否为空。 (2)依次在顺序表尾部(第n+1位,n位线性表长度)插入数据元素:15、207、36、79、21、97、652、109、66、81,然后输出整张线性表(依次输出所有元素)。 (3)删除第5个元素,然后输出整张线性表。 (4)在线性表的第3位插入数据92,然后输出整张线性表。 (5)在线性表中查找值为79的元素,如果存在输出它是第几位,不存在输出提示信息。 (6)线性表中查找值为31的元素,如果存在输出它是第几位,不存在输出提示信息。 (7)查找线性表中,值为652的元素的前驱元素以及后继元素的值。 (Order to establish a linear table storage structure (order form), the table is an integer number of data elements, the maximum number of elements that can be stored is 50. On the order form in order to complete the following: (1) determine whether a linear table is empty. (2) sequentially in the order form the tail (the n+1 bit, n-bit linear meter length) into the data elements: 15,207,36,79,21,97,652,109,66,81, and then output the entire linear table (in order to output all elements). (3) Delete the first five elements, and then output the entire linear form. The first three insert data (4) line of the table 92, and then output the entire linear form. (5) Find a linear table of elements is 79, if there is it is the first of several output, the output message does not exist. (6) Find a linear table of elements is 31, and if there is it is the first of several output, the output message does not exist. (7) Find a linear table, element 652 is a precursor elements and the va)



0 个回复

  • Text1
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