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于 2015-06-03 发布 文件大小:1769KB
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  RichEdit代码示例,认真阅读,有收获。(RichEdit code )






0 个回复

  • 17869314comtet_matlab
    说明:  matlab+com接口编程 这里 以 Matlab擅长的矩阵运算为例来说明基于COM的VC与Matlab接口实现方法。(matlab+ com interface to Matlab programming here at the matrix calculation as an example to illustrate the VC based on the COM interface methods and Matlab.)
    2008-10-07 20:23:12下载
  • DuilibPCalendar
    利用Duilib库做的简单的日历,没有添加单击日期功能。(Simple calendar Duilib library does not add click on the date function.)
    2012-07-05 15:56:42下载
  • ucos-c
    压缩包中有基于ucos系统下的常用程序,有tim捕获,串口查询,串口中断,定时器中断,温度读取。(Compressed package based on common procedures under ucos system, there are tim capture, serial query, the serial port interrupt, timer interrupt, temperature reading.)
    2015-11-12 21:58:59下载
  • time-frequence-application
    详细讲解信号处理的pdf,里面包含了FFT,小波,希尔伯特-黄变换等内容,是信号处理方面很好的参考资料(Explain in detail the signal processing pdf, which contains the FFT, wavelet, Hilbert- Huang Transform, etc., is a good reference for signal processing, data)
    2011-09-06 16:28:07下载
  • opapi
    Vericut二次开发实例程序,主要用于进给优化(Vericut second instance of program development, primarily for feed optimization)
    2021-01-23 19:08:39下载
  • 4564894
    本文件包含了三钟电离层延迟参数模型,可以界面化(This document contains the Angelus ionospheric delay model parameters, you can interface technology)
    2016-04-05 10:01:31下载
  • ad hoc网络mac层协议修改和仿真源程序
    说明:  ad hoc MAC协议,修改及仿真后的代码,源程序,实现AD HOC网络通信(AD hoc MAC protocol, modified and simulated code, source program, AD hoc network communication)
    2020-04-09 10:42:34下载
  • 00366298
    气象雷达的仿真与分析,为研究机载雷达的工程人员提供真实有效的理论分析与仿真(Modern estimation theory and artificial intelligence technology are applied to the Wind Shear Safety Advisor, a conceptual airborne advisory system to help flight crews avoid or survive encounter with hazardous low-altitude wind shear. Numerical and symbolic processes of the system fuse diverse, time-varying data from ground-based and airborne measurements. Simulated wind-shear-encounter scenarios illustrate the need to consider a variety of factors for optimal decision reliability. The wind-shear-encounter simulations show the potential of the Wind Shear Safety Advisor for effectively integrating the available information, highlighting the benefits of the computational techniques employed.)
    2012-07-09 22:15:11下载
  • beifen_trd3d_OpenGL
    利用OpenGL写的一个机械手的显示运动程序。(Using OpenGL to write a robot motion program display.)
    2013-11-02 11:28:32下载
  • SMPP-Gateway-System
    1. SMPP网关概述(联系dotphoenix@qq.com获取更多信息) 1.1 包含一个标准的SMPP Server(SMPP模拟器),一个SMPP Client 和 SDK 1.2 支持标准的SMPP V3.4,支持如下功能:多种bind模式,unbind,submit_sm,delivery_sm,enquire_link,generic_ack 1.3 SMPP Server可运行于LinuxWindowsOSXEmbeded Linux 1.4 SMPP Client可运行于WindowsLinuxOSXAndroidiOSEmbeded Linux 1.5 SDK支持WindowsLinuxOSXAndroidiOSEmbeded Linux,可被JavaC#C++MFCPHP等调用,并提供基于json的HTTP API 1.6 支持MYSQL和SQLITE数据库 1.7 支持自定义计费,支持自定义业务系统 1.8 支持大吞吐量(使用数据库可支持500/秒,不使用数据库可支持8000条/秒) 1.9 兼容性良好,可以和几乎所有主流和非主流的网关及客户端正常工作( SMPP Gateway System(Contact dotphoenix@qq.com to get more information) 1 Including a standard SMPP Server(SMPP Simulator),a SMPP Client and SDK 2 Implement SMPP V3.4,Support PDUs including:3 bind modes,unbind,submit_sm,delivery_sm,enquire_link,generic_ack 3 SMPP Server supported platforms: LinuxWindowsOSXEmbeded Linux 4 SMPP Client supported platforms: WindowsLinuxOSXAndroidiOSEmbeded Linux 5 SDK supported platforms: WindowsLinuxOSXAndroidiOSEmbeded Linux,supported languages: JavaC#C++MFCPHP,and also including HTTP API based on JSON. 6 Suppored s: MYSQLSQLITE 7 Support customizing billing system and business system 8 Small delay, good reliability and large throughput (500 PDUs/s if need ,8000 PDUs/s if no need ) 9 Good compatibility, can co-work with nearly all the mainstream and non-mainstream gateways/servers/clients )
    2016-01-18 12:37:14下载
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