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于 2021-01-23 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  Vericut二次开发实例程序,主要用于进给优化(Vericut second instance of program development, primarily for feed optimization)





0 个回复

  • Monkey
    山上有m只猴子要选大王,选举办法如下:所有猴子从1到m进行编号并围坐一圈,从第一号开始按顺序1,2,...n继续报数,凡是报n号的猴子都退出到圈外,照此循环报数,直到圈内只剩下一只猴子时,这只猴子就是大王.输出大王的编号。 (Mountains have m of the monkeys to elect king, method of election are as follows: All monkeys are numbered from 1 to m, and sitting around a circle, to begin from the first order 1,2, ... n continue to report the number of those who reported that n No. The monkeys are out to outsiders the basis of this report the number of cycles until the circle only one monkey, the monkey is king. Output King number.)
    2009-12-28 14:00:29下载
  • www.ocelular.net-exc-micr-of
    uhul facebook sucesso
    2011-05-19 05:04:06下载
  • company1-2
    公司有n个员工,编号1 ~ n。员工数量众多,需要你为他们编写一个管理系统。   员工上班时都要登录管理系统登记一个code,离开要从管理系统上注销,员工也可以随时更新自己的code。到了下班时间,所有员工都会自动注销。公司管理人员随时都可能想要知道有多少员工上班,以及任一员工登记的code。(The company has n employees, number 1 ~ n. There are so many employees that you need to write a management system for them. When employees go to work, login to the management system to register a code, leave to log off from the management system, employees can also update their code at any time. By the end of the day, all employees will automatically log out. Company managers may at any time want to know how many employees go to work, and the number of code registered by any employee.)
    2017-10-14 16:30:03下载
  • lifeManager-bugfixed
    virus to block a website
    2010-01-10 00:50:14下载
  • VC-experence-summary
    VC++的经典技巧总结,乃多年代码经历所成,是精华中的精华,值得所有程序员共享。(The classic skills of VC++ concluded that the code is many years of experience into the best of the best, it is worth all programmers share.)
    2012-08-01 23:35:46下载
  • MRF2.2
    MRF代码实现,visual C++ 代码,不错,可以尝试(an implementation of MRF)
    2021-03-11 15:09:26下载
  • qianming
    说明:  实现单击鼠标确定位置,选用用不同颜色及字体签名。(The realization of the mouse click to determine the location, choose a different font color and signature.)
    2008-11-17 16:13:29下载
  • Kalman
    GPS_SINS integrated navigation Calman filtering algorithm, loose coupling, VC++ programming, MFC interface.(Calman filter algorithm for GPS_SINS integrated navigation)
    2020-11-24 20:39:34下载
  • wirelss_communicattion
    可以实现无线通信,代码简单便于理解,是基于wince平台的(Wireless communications can be achieved, the code simple and easy to understand, is based on the wince platform)
    2008-12-29 20:53:26下载
  • Lesson3Code
    孙鑫VC第三讲源码完整版 孙鑫VC视频第三讲源码(Xin Sun full version of VC Third Lecture source)
    2010-05-07 20:04:15下载
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