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  等波纹FIR滤波器设计源代码,包含对于滤波器系数量化的部分。(the source code of equiripple FIR filter, including the fixed point analysis)



0 个回复

  • BasicFFT
    How to do the simplest FFT
    2010-12-14 18:14:55下载
  • Matlab2010a
    本书以MATLAB R2010a为编写基础,系统讲解MATLAB基本环境和操作要旨;分章阐述符号计算、数值计算、计算结果可视化及编程精要;选例展现MATLAB精华工具SIMULINK的功能级和元器件级仿真能力;范例剖析MATLAB版面编辑器的用法和图形用户界面的制作要领;简扼勾画MATLAB和WORD集成一体的Notebook环境(This book introduce MATLAB R2010a to explain the basic MATLAB environment and operating system sub-chapter on symbolic computation, numerical calculation results visualization and programming essentials and selecte cases to show the essence of tool SIMULINK of MATLAB functional level and component-level simulation capacity)
    2013-08-12 21:08:24下载
  • my-code
    Particle Swarm Optimazation code
    2013-03-02 05:31:21下载
  • ECG--QRS
    以软件为主的方法实现QRS波的检测滤波之后的信号一般经过一些 变换以提高QRS波的份量,进而采用一系列阈值进行判别,这些阈值有固定 阈值法,也有可变阈值法。前者由于可能的干扰或高P、高T波的存在,若 其滤波后超过其阈值便会产生假阳性(FP,falsepositive)结果;另外,当心 律失常或QRS波幅度变小,阈值设置过高,会导致漏检产生假阴性(FN, falsenegative)结果。由于固定阈值的这些缺点,有研究者提出了用可变阈 值检测,以提高检测的精确率,所采用的可变阈值包括幅度阈值、斜率阈值 和时间间隔阈值等。(Give priority to with software method for detecting QRS wave signal after some commonly after filtering Amount of transformation in order to improve the QRS wave, then using a series of threshold to distinguish, the threshold value is fixed Threshold value method and variable threshold value method. The former due to the possible interference or the existence of the high P and T waves, if More than the threshold value is created after the filtering false positives (FP, falsepositive results In addition, be careful Law of disorder or QRS wave amplitude decreases, threshold is set too high, can lead to leak to produce false negatives (FN, Falsenegative) results. Due to these disadvantages of fixed threshold, some researchers have proposed using variable threshold Value detection, in order to improve the precision of detection rate, adopted by the variable threshold including amplitude threshold, the slope threshold And the time interval threshold, etc.)
    2014-10-22 09:55:16下载
  • LMS_Equalizer_matlab
    最小均分误差均衡的matlab程序。学习LMS算法必备。(Minimum Mean Square Error equalizer matlab program. Learning LMS algorithm necessary.)
    2014-12-25 15:55:10下载
  • R-language
    R语言学习资料,R语言与统计分析-汤银才(R language)
    2014-01-22 01:08:51下载
    QPSK调制全称Quadrature Phase Shift Keying ,意为正交相移键控,是一种数字调制方式。数字信号的四相相移键控调制与解调技术以其灵活性和通用性而得到广泛的应用,符合未来数字通信技术发展的方向。随着移动通信技术的发展,以前在数字通信系统中采用FSK、ASK、PSK等调制方式,逐渐被许多优秀的调制技术所替代。(QPSK modulation partial Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, Quadrature Phase Shift Keying means, is a digital modulation. Digital signal quadrature phase shift keying modulation and demodulation technology for its flexibility and versatility which has been widely used, in line with the future direction of development of digital communication technologies. With the development of mobile communication technology, previously used in digital communication systems FSK, ASK, PSK modulation, etc., many excellent modulation gradually being replaced by technology.)
    2013-05-22 17:54:51下载
    shrodinger solving with matlab
    2011-08-22 14:55:17下载
  • ask-fsk-psk
    Different Modulation schemes are here! like ask, fsk, psk etc!
    2013-10-07 22:03:36下载
  • RBF神经网络
    利用RBF和BP神经网络中的工具箱函数去做函数逼近,(Making use of RBF neural network to do function approximation)
    2020-06-29 02:20:01下载
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