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于 2014-01-13 发布 文件大小:4373KB
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  maple的入门级教程,maple的计算相比matlab更加简单也更容易上手(The entry-level tutorial maple, maple computing matlab simpler and easier to use compared to)



0 个回复

  • Lowpassfiltermatlab
    低通滤波器,用Matlab编程实现低通滤波器的功能(Low-pass filter, using Matlab programming function of the low-pass filter)
    2010-05-25 19:14:10下载
  • matpower4.0b3
    计算潮流与最优潮流,应用MATLAB,功能相当强大(Load flow and optimal power flow, application of MATLAB, functions quite powerful)
    2010-05-26 10:22:35下载
  • levelsetcode
    无边界主动轮廓模型的matlab实现,对一些简单图像具有很好的分割效果(Borderless active contour model matlab realize, for some simple image with good segmentation results)
    2014-09-04 19:56:36下载
  • cooperative-paper-with-matlab-code
    An ad-hoc network with a sender, a destination and a third station act- ing as a relay is analysed. The channels are modelled containing thermal noise, Rayleigh fading and path loss. Di® erent combining methods and di- versity protocols are compared. The amplify and forward protocol shows a better performance than the decode and forward protocol, unless an error correcting code is simulated. To combine the incoming signals the chan- nel quality should be estimated as well as possible. Information about the average quality shows nice bene¯ ts, and a rough approximation about the variation of the channel quality increases the performance even more. What- ever combination of diversity protocol and combining method is used second level diversity is observed. The relative distances between the relay and the stations has a large e® ect on the performance.
    2015-02-28 15:30:52下载
  • Simple-analog-clock
    简易模拟时钟,使用MATLAB的GUI开发而成,可以获取桌面时钟数然后在模拟钟面上显示,每隔一秒刷新显示!(Simple analog clock, a GUI was developed using MATLAB, you can get a desktop clocks and analog clock face on display, refresh the display every second!)
    2013-12-13 21:15:21下载
  • sliding12
    fault tpleran control of three phase bldc modelling and sinulation
    2014-02-10 23:36:15下载
  • bode
    High pass and low pass filters with matlab by using bode plot method. Showing very important thing is that bode plot does not give any information about transient response.
    2014-02-07 07:35:09下载
  • GSM Matlab
    information about protocol GSM in telecomunication
    2019-04-25 04:28:59下载
  • matlab脚本
    matlab编程与工程应用第二版课后习题答案(Matlab programming and engineering application second edition exercises answer after class)
    2018-09-20 11:19:24下载
  • 4_numerical_solution_of_flow_equations
    numerical solution of flow equations
    2012-12-31 20:25:33下载
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