VTK里面的对点云进行降采样的程序,可以直接使用。(VTK point cloud inside the down-sampling procedure can be used directly.)
- 2021-05-10 01:08:33下载
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不是本人编的,转自csdndengpengyong,个人能力有限,望谅解。Tetgen是一个生成四面体网格的开源工具,本实例提供了从网上下载的开源的源码和一个简单的使用的示例,其中附带了Tetgen自带了的一个查看剖分出来的网格的工具TetView.exe,可以运行打开剖分出来的文件查看剖分的结果是否正确。(I was not prepared, carried csdndengpengyong, individual ability is limited, hope and understanding. Tetgen tetrahedral mesh generation is an open source tool, the examples provided from the Internet to download the open source code and a simple example of the use of which comes Tetgen comes out of a mesh grid view tool TetView . exe, you can run out of file viewing open split split the results are correct.)
- 2021-03-14 20:49:22下载
- 积分:1
VTK8.0,ITK联合编译测试代码,编译环境VS2017,采用C++语言,内含属性表,无需使用CMake进行编译,能够成功运行(VTK and ITK compile and test code)
- 2020-07-10 15:18:56下载
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vtk mfc 打开dicom图片,用文档类新建一个视图类实现(vtk mfc open dicom images, use the document class to create a new view class implementation)
- 2021-03-08 14:19:29下载
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只是最新的多视点参考软件代码jmvm,支持立体档次的编码解码,从最新svn下载得到,对那些不方便上国外网站svn下载的可以看看。(Is the latest multi-view reference software code jmvm, three-dimensional grade codec support, downloaded from the latest svn, convenient for those on the foreign website can take a look at svn download.)
- 2011-09-15 21:47:05下载
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OSG实例,shader编程,实现简单的小溪河流定向移动(OSG , shader programming, achieve a simple directional movement of rivers )
- 2020-09-13 17:27:58下载
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二维磁流体计算程序,可根据问题干煸,已有改变成三维的版本(Two-dimensional MHD calculation program, according to the problem dry stir, has changed into a three-dimensional version of the)
- 2020-11-21 10:49:36下载
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这是一个博士编写的关于RBF插值的三维重建的源程序,有需求的人赶紧下!(This is a prepared by Dr. RBF interpolation on the three-dimensional reconstruction of the source, there is a demand for people who hastened to the next!)
- 2007-10-31 22:48:39下载
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运用Visual C++编译器实现的3D图像变成代码,主要实现图像绘制(Using Visual C++ compiler implements the 3D image into a code, the main image rendering)
- 2014-12-26 14:39:14下载
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然烧字体,在VB的环境下实现字体的燃烧效果(However, burning fonts, in the VB environment to achieve the effect of fonts combustion)
- 2007-12-28 22:41:29下载
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